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Kabacik-Wasylik D.
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Kabacik-Wasylik D. 1957. Z badań nad biegaczowatymi (Carabidae) lasu sosnowego. Ekol. Pol., B, 3:239-242.
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Kabacik-Wasylik D. 1962. Beobachtungen über die Quantitätsveränderungen der Laufkäfer (Carabidae) auf verschiedenen Feldkulturen. Ekol. Pol., A, 10:307-323.
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Kabacik-Wasylik D. 1964. Obserwacje nad zmianami liczebności Liszkarza – Calosoma auropunctatum Hrbst. (Col., Carabidae) na różnych uprawach polowych. Pol. Pismo Ent., B, 35-36:271-276.
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Kabacik-Wasylik D. 1970. Ökologische Analyse der Laufkäfer (Carabidae) einiger Agrarkulturen. Ekol. Pol., A, 18:137-209.
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Kabacik-Wasylik D. 1971. Studies on the diet of three field species of Carabidae. Ekol. Pol., 19:501-508.
Kabacik-Wasylik D. 1976. Research into the number, biomass and energy flow of Carabidae (Coleoptera) communities in rye and potato fields. Pol. Ecol. Stud., 1(3):111-121.
Kabacik-Wasylik D. 1978. Drapieżne biegaczowate. [In:] Boczek J., Lipa J.J. (Eds.) Biologiczne metody walki ze szkodnikami roślin. PWN, Warszawa. pp. 225-239.
Kabacik-Wasylik D. 1981. Carabidae communities of potato and cereal crops in industrial environment of Silesia. Pol. Ecol. Stud., 6:673-684.
Kabacik-Wasylik D. 1987. Communities of Carabidae in crop fields with liquid manure treatment. Pol. Ecol. Stud., 12:211-219.
Kabacik-Wasylik D. 1991. The food of two Carabidae species in potato crops. Pol. Ecol. Stud., 15:111-117.
Kabacik-Wasylik D. 1997. The effect of a highway on the Carabidae communities in a potato field. Pol. Ecol. Stud., 21(3):335-348.
Kabacik-Wasylik D., Kmitowa K. 1974. The effect of single and mixed infections of entomopathogenic fungi on the mortality of the Carabidae (Coleoptera). Ekol. Pol., 21:645-655.
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Kabacik-Wasylik D., Stejgwiłło-Laudańska B. 1971. Starvation and the average survival time of Carabidae. Ekol. Pol., 19:419-425.
Kmitowa K., Kabacik-Wasylik D. 1971. An attempt at determining the pathogenicity of two species of entomopathogenic fungi in relation to Carabidae. Ekol. Pol., 29:727-733.
Pilc L., Kabacik-Wasylik D. 1991. Activity of amylase and proteinase digestive enzymes at four species of field Carabidae. Pol. Ecol. Stud., 15:119-125.