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Stebnicka Z. [Zdzisława]
BioMap ID: 2135
- Related publications (16)
Pawłowski J., Kuśka A., Stebnicka Z. 1989a. The occurence of pasture species in the necrocenoses of beetles in the Neolithic profiles al Pleszów. [In:] Wasylikowa K. (Ed.) Paleoecological characteristics of the settlement periods of the linear pottery and Lengyel cultures at Cracow-Nowa Huta (on the basis of plant material). Przegl. Archeologiczny, 36. pp. 83-87.
Pawłowski J.S., Kuśka A., Stebnicka Z. 1989b. The occurrence of pasture species in the necrocenoses of beetles in Neolithic profiles in Pleszów, pp. 83-87. [In:] Wasylikowa K. (Ed.) Paleoecological characteristics of the settlement periods of the linear pottery and Lengyel cultures at Cracow-Nowa Huta (on the basis of plant material). Przegl. Archeologiczny, 36. pp. 57-87.
Pawłowski J.S., Mazur M., Młynarski J.K., Stebnicka Z., Szeptycki A., Szymczakowski W. 1994. Chrząszcze (Coleoptera) Ojcowskiego Parku Narodowego i terenów ościennych. Prądnik. Prace i Mat. Muz. im. W. Szafera, .
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Stebnicka Z. 1972. Coccinellidae (Coleoptera) okolic Krakowa. Acta Zool. Cracov., 17:1-36.
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Stebnicka Z. 1973a. Beitrag zur Systematik und Verbreitung einiger Arten aus der Familie Scarabaeidae (Coleoptera) Polens. Acta Zool. Cracov., 18:1-22.
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