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Biodiversity Map
type: article
year: 2020
authors: Plewa R., Jaworski T., Tarwacki G., Sućko K., Konwerski Sz., Królik R., Lasoń A., Melke A., Przewoźny M., Ruta R., Szołtys H., Dodelin B., Hilszczański J.
title: New records of beetle species (Coleoptera) from the Polish part of Białowieża Forest with special emphasis on the genus Episernus C.G. Thomson, 1863 (Ptinidae) in Central Europe.
periodical: Polish Journal of Entomologyvol.: 89issue: 1pages: 26-42
short citation: Plewa et al. 2020b
BioMap ID: 20762