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Burakowski B. 1971. Sprężyki (Coleoptera, Elateridae) Bieszczadów. Fragm. Faun., 17:221-272.
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Burakowski B. 1973. Immature Stages and Biology of Drapetes biguttatus (Piller) (Coleoptera, Lissomidae). Ann. Zool., 30:335-347.
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Burakowski B. 1975a. Descriptions of larva and pupa of Rhysodes sulcatus (F.) (Coleoptera, Rhysodidae) and notes on the bionomy of this species. Ann. Zool., 32:271-287.
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Burakowski B. 1975b. Development, distribution and habits of Trixagus dermestoides (L.), with notes on the Throscidae and Lissomidae (Coleoptera, Elateroidea). Ann. Zool., 32:375-405.
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Burakowski B. 1976a. Część XIX. Chrząszcze – Coleoptera. Rozmiazgowate – Pythidae, Omiękowate – Lagriidae, Cisawkowate – Alleculidae. Klucze do Oznaczania Owadów Polski, 91, 88-90, Warszawa.
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Burakowski B. 1976b. Post-embryonic development and bionomics of Quasimus minutissimus (Germar) (Coleoptera, Elateridae). Ann. Zool., 33:235-259.
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Burakowski B. 1979a. Immature stages and bionomics of Vadonia livida (F.) (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae). Ann. Zool., 35:25-42.
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Burakowski B. 1979b. Sprężyki (Coleoptera, Elateridae) Pienin. Fragm. Faun., 24:185-226.
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Burakowski B. 1985. Sprężyki (Elateridae) Gór Świętokrzyskich. [In:] Fauna Gór Świętokrzyskich, jej odrębność, zróżnicowanie i wartości godne szczególnej ochrony, Święty Krzyż, 3-5 września 1985. Instutut Zoologii PAN, Warszawa. pp. 34-35.
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Burakowski B. 1986. The life-cycle and food preference of Agonum quadripunctatum (De Geer). [In:] den Boer P.J., Grüm L., Szyszko J. (Eds.) Feeding behaviour and accessibility of food for carabid beetles. Report of the Fifth Meeting of European Carabidologists held at the Field Station Stara Brda Pilska of the Institute of Forest Protection and Ecology. Warsaw Agricultural University, Warsaw. pp. 35-39.
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Burakowski B. 1988a. Notes on the biology of Xylobanellus erythropterus (Baudi a Selve) (Coleoptera, Lycidae), with description of the immature stages. Pol. Pismo Ent., 58:575-585.
Burakowski B. 1988b. Observations on the larval morphology and biology of Omalisus fontisbellaquei Fourcroy (Coleoptera, Homalisidae). Pol. Pismo Ent., 58:571-574.
Burakowski B. 1989a. Agonum (Sericoda) quadripunctatum (DeGeer) a pyrophilous beetle and its immature stages (Coleoptera, Carabidae). Ann. Zool., 42(6):181-195.
Burakowski B. 1989b. Agonum (Sericoda) quadripunctatum (De Geer) – a pyrophilous beetle and its immature stages (Coleoptera, Carabidae). Ann. Zool., 42:181-195.
Burakowski B. 1989c. Hypermetamorphosis of Rhacopus attenuatus (Maeklin) (Coleoptera, Eucnemidae). Ann. Zool., 42:165-180.
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Burakowski B. 1989d. Metody hodowli zwierząt glebowych. Chrząszcze (Coleoptera). Pr. Kom. Nauk. P.T.Gl. III., 36:1-98.
Burakowski B. 1990. Lopheros lineatus (Gorham) – a species new to the Central European fauna (Coleoptera, Lycidae), with a description of the immature stages. Pol. Pismo Ent., 59:719-729.
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Burakowski B. 1991a. Część XIX. Chrząszcze – Coleoptera. Cerophytidae, Eucnemidae, Throscidae, Lissomidae. Klucze do Oznaczania Owadów Polski, 143, 35-37, Wrocław.
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Burakowski B. 1991b. Eucinetus hopffgarteni Reitter, 1885 (Coleoptera, Eucinetidae) – nowy dla fauny Polski przedstawiciel chrząszczy, oraz uwagi o europejskich gatunkach z rodzaju Eucinetus Germ. Wiad. Entomol., 10(3):147-151.
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Burakowski B. 1993a. Laboratory methods for rearing soil beetles (Coleoptera). Memorab. Zool., 46:3-66.