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Cmoluch Z., Minda-Lechowska A. 1996. Ryjkowcowate (Coleoptera: Attelabidae, Apionidae, Curculionidae) projektowanego rezerwatu Wieprzec k. Zamościa. Ann. UMCS, C, 49-1994:195-204.
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Cmoluch Z., Minda A. 1978. Ryjkowce (Curculionidae, Coleoptera) stwierdzone na Medicago sativa w Bezku (woj. chełmskie) i Feliksowie (woj. zamojskie). Ann. UMCS, C, 32:243-254.
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Cmoluch Z., Staniec B. 1989. Bemerkungen über Otiorhynchus repletus Boh. und Sitona gressorius (F.) (Coleoptera, Curculionidae). Ann. UMCS, C, 41 - 1986:163-166.
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Cmoluch Z., Stączek Z.Z. 1983. Materiały do poznania biedronek (Coccinellidae, Coleoptera) upraw koniczyny czerwonej (Trifolium pretense). Ann. UMCS, C, 37:87-94.
Coca Abia M., Martin Piera F. 1998. Revision taxonomica del genero Rhizotrogus Berthold, 1827. Coleopterological Monographs 2. European Association of Coleopterology. Barcelona. 140 pp.
Cockell Ch.S. 1990. Coleoptera of South-East Poland. Bull. A. E. S., 49:217-220.
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Cockerell T.D.A. 1892a. Museum Notes. Journ. Inst. Jamaica, :134-137.
Cockerell T.D.A. 1892b. Notes from the Museum. No. 5. Insect pests: Scale-Insects of the Coconut. Journ. Inst. Jamaica, :.
Cockerell T.D.A. 1893a. A new Lecanium, from Canada. Can. Entomol., 25:221-222.
Cockerell T.D.A. 1893b. Museum Notes. Coccidae. Journ. Inst. Jamaica, 1:180.
Cockerell T.D.A. 1893c. Notes on Lecanium with a list of the West Indian species. Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc., 20:49-56,.
Cockerell T.D.A. 1893d. Note on the genus Pseudococcus Westwood. Ent. News, 4:317-318.
Cockerell T.D.A. 1894. A check list of the Nearctic Coccidae. Can. Entomol., 26:31-36.
Cockerell T.D.A. 1896. A check-list of the Coccidae. Bull. Ill. Lab. Nat. Hist., 4:318-339.
Cockerell T.D.A. 1897. The San Jose Scale and its nearest allies. A brief consideration of the characters which distinguish these closely related injurious scale insects. Techn. Ser. U.S. Dept. Agric. Ent, 6:31.
Cockerell T.D.A. 1899. Tables for the determination of the genera of Coccidae. Can. Entomol., 31:273-279, 330-333.
Cockerell T.D.A. 1902a. Now genera and species of Coccidae, with notes on known species. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 7(9):20-26.
Cockerell T.D.A. 1902b. The classification of Aleurodidae. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., 54:279-283.
Cockerell T.D.A. 1903a. Some Aphididae of the Genus Nectarophora from Mexico. Can. Entomol., 35:167-171.
Cockerell T.D.A. 1903b. Some species of Eulecanium (Coccidae) from France. Psyche, 10:19-22.