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Varendorff E. 1905. Etwas über die Einwirkung der Dürre auf die Insektenwelt. Dtsch. Ent. Z., 18:136.
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Varendorff E. 1912. Notiz über die Ostseestrandfauna. Ent. Bl., 8:152-154.
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Varendorff E. 1918. Ein Wink für Entomologen, die die Nordseeküste besuchen. Ent. Jb., 27:143-145.
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Varendorff E. 1920a. Magdalis duplicata. Ent. Bl., 16:47.
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Varendorff E. 1920b. Pityophthorus pubescens Marsh. (ramulorum Perr.). Ent. Bl., 16:47.
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Vasarhelyi T. 1982. A study on the relation of Mezira tremulae Germ, and two allied species Heteroptera: Aradidae. Acta Zool. Acad. Sci. Hung., 28:.
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Vermeulen H.J.W., Szyszko J., van Dijk Th.S. 1997. Unoccupied habitat islands: unreachable or unsuitable? [In:] Cooper A., Power J. (Eds.) Species dispersal and land use processes: proceedings of the sixth annual conference of IALE (UK), the UK region of the International Association for Landscape Ecology, held at the University of Ulster on 9th-11th September.
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Viertl A. 1872. Przyczynek do fauny Galicyi. b) Chrząszcze (Coleoptera) z okolicy tarnowskiéj. Spraw. Kom. Fizyogr., 6:65-69.
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