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Author: Kramarz P.
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Kramarz P. 1999. The dynamics of accumulation and decontamination of cadmium and zinc in carnivorous invertebrates. 1. Poecilus cupreus L. Bull. Environ. Cont. Toxicol., 63:531-537.
Kramarz P., Laskowski R. 1997. Effect of zinc contamination on life history parameters of a ground beetle, Poecilus cupreus. Bull. Environ. Cont. Toxicol., 59(4):525-530.
Łagisz M., Kramarz P., Laskowski R., Tobor M. 2002. Population Parameters of the Beetle Pterostichus oblongopunctatus F. from Metal Contaminated and Reference Areas. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol, 69:243-249.
Łagisz M., Kramarz P., Niklińska M. 2004. Metal kinetics and respiration rates in f1 generation of carabid beetles (Pterostichus oblongopunctatus F.) originating from metal-contaminated and reference areas. Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol., 48(4):484-489.
Skalski T., Stone D., Kramarz P., Laskowski R. 2010. Ground beetle community responses to heavy metal contamination. Baltic J. Coleopterol., 10(1):1-12.
Stone S., Jepson P., Kramarz P., Laskowski R. 2001. Time to death response in carabid beetles exposed to multiple stressors along a gradient of heavy metal pollution. Environmental Pollution, 113:239-244.