Підтримуємо Вільну Україну
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Taxon count: 32
Atheta aeneicollis (D. Sharp, 1869)Set as tree root ↑
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Atheta allocera E. Eppelsheim, 1893Set as tree root ↑
Show taxon data → ⚑ [40] → Show taxon data
Atheta aquatica (C.G. Thomson, 1852)Set as tree root ↑
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Atheta aquatilis (C.G. Thomson, 1867)Set as tree root ↑
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Atheta autumnalis (W.F. Erichson, 1839)Set as tree root ↑
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Atheta basicornis (M.E. Mulsant et C. Rey, 1852)Set as tree root ↑
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[34] → Show taxon data
Atheta boletophila (C.G. Thomson, 1856)Set as tree root ↑
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[29] → Show taxon data
Atheta brunneipennis (C.G. Thomson, 1852)Set as tree root ↑
Show taxon data → ⚑ [18] → Show taxon data
Atheta castanoptera (C.G. Mannerheim, 1830)Set as tree root ↑
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[76] → Show taxon data
Atheta contristata (E.G. Kraatz, 1856)Set as tree root ↑
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Atheta coriaria (E.G. Kraatz, 1856)Set as tree root ↑
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[40] → Show taxon data
Atheta crassicornis (Fabricius, 1793)Set as tree root ↑
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[427] → Show taxon data
Atheta diversa (D. Sharp, 1869)Set as tree root ↑
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[13] → Show taxon data
Atheta divisa (F. Märkel, 1844)Set as tree root ↑
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[88] → Show taxon data
Atheta ebenina (M.E. Mulsant et C. Rey, 1873)Set as tree root ↑
Show taxon data → ⚑ [10] → Show taxon data
Atheta euryptera (J.F. Stephens, 1832)Set as tree root ↑
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[59] → Show taxon data
Atheta fungicola (C.G. Thomson, 1852)Set as tree root ↑
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[42] → Show taxon data
Atheta graminicola (J.L.C. Gravenhorst, 1806)Set as tree root ↑
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[77] → Show taxon data
Atheta harwoodi B.S. Williams, 1930Set as tree root ↑
Show taxon data → ⚑ [22] → Show taxon data
Atheta hypnorum (H. Kiesenwetter, 1850)Set as tree root ↑
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[104] → Show taxon data
Atheta incognita (D. Sharp, 1869)Set as tree root ↑
Show taxon data → ⚑ [27] → Show taxon data
Atheta laevicauda J.R. Sahlberg, 1876Set as tree root ↑
Show taxon data → ⚑ [47] → Show taxon data
Atheta nidicola (Johansen, 1914)Set as tree root ↑
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Atheta oblita (W.F. Erichson, 1839)Set as tree root ↑
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[39] → Show taxon data
Atheta paracrassicornis Brundin, 1954Set as tree root ↑
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[32] → Show taxon data
Atheta pfaundleri G. Benick, 1940Set as tree root ↑
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Atheta pilicornis (C.G. Thomson, 1852)Set as tree root ↑
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[64] → Show taxon data
Atheta procera (E.G. Kraatz, 1856)Set as tree root ↑
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Atheta ravilla (W.F. Erichson, 1839)Set as tree root ↑
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[124] → Show taxon data
Atheta triangulum (E.G. Kraatz, 1856)Set as tree root ↑
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[37] → Show taxon data
Atheta vaga (O. Heer, 1839)Set as tree root ↑
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[101] → Show taxon data
Atheta xanthopus (C.G. Thomson, 1856)Set as tree root ↑
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[31] → Show taxon data
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Homalota lapponica
E. Eppelsheim, 1878
name status: synonym
BioMap ID: 1040263
taxonomy checked: YES
- Recent records (50)

Staphylinidae: Atheta pilicornis, PL, Tatry, UTM DV25, 1997, leg. P. Tykarski, coll. Uniw. Warszawski, Zakł. Ekologii (Tykarski 2006)

Staphylinidae: Atheta pilicornis, PL, Kotlina Nowotarska, UTM DV36, 1998, leg. P. Tykarski, coll. Uniw. Warszawski, Zakł. Ekologii (Tykarski 2006)

Staphylinidae: Atheta pilicornis, PL, Tatry, UTM DV25, 1998, leg. P. Tykarski, coll. Uniw. Warszawski, Zakł. Ekologii (Tykarski 2006)

Staphylinidae: Atheta pilicornis, PL, Tatry, UTM DV35, 1998, leg. P. Tykarski, coll. Uniw. Warszawski, Zakł. Ekologii (Tykarski 2006)

Staphylinidae: Atheta pilicornis, PL, Tatry, UTM DV35, 1998, leg. P. Tykarski, coll. Uniw. Warszawski, Zakł. Ekologii (Tykarski 2006)

Staphylinidae: Atheta pilicornis, PL, Tatry, UTM DV35, 1998, leg. P. Tykarski, coll. Uniw. Warszawski, Zakł. Ekologii (Tykarski 2006)

Staphylinidae: Atheta pilicornis, PL (Melke et Maciejewski 1999)

Staphylinidae: Atheta pilicornis, PL (Melke et Szafraniec 1997(1996))

Staphylinidae: Atheta pilicornis, PL, Puszcza Białowieska, obręb leśny Zwierzyniec, UTM FD84, 1999 (Smoleński et Szujecki 2001)

Staphylinidae: Atheta pilicornis, PL, Puszcza Białowieska, obręb leśny Białowieża, UTM FD83, 1999 (Smoleński et Szujecki 2001)

Staphylinidae: Atheta pilicornis, PL, Puszcza Białowieska, Białowieski P.N., UTM FD94, 1999 (Smoleński et Szujecki 2001)

Staphylinidae: Atheta pilicornis, PL, Puszcza Białowieska, UTM FD83, 2000 (Borowski 2001c)

Staphylinidae: Atheta pilicornis, PL, Puszcza Białowieska, UTM FD84, 2000 (Byk 2001b)

Staphylinidae: Atheta pilicornis, PL, Polska (Löbl et Smetana 2004)

Staphylinidae: Atheta pilicornis, PL, Tatry, Tatrzański P.N., UTM DV25 (Tykarski 2006)

Staphylinidae: Atheta pilicornis, PL, Bieszczady, UTM FV24 (Pawłowski et al. 2000)

Staphylinidae: Atheta pilicornis, PL, Bieszczady, UTM FV24 (Szujecki 1996)

Staphylinidae: Atheta pilicornis, PL, Beskid Zachodni, rez. Dziobaki nature reserve, UTM CV67 (Szafraniec et al. 2003)

Staphylinidae: Atheta pilicornis, PL, Beskid Zachodni, Beskid Żywiecki, rez. Butorza nature reserve, UTM CV58 (Szafraniec et al. 2003)

Staphylinidae: Atheta pilicornis, PL, Beskid Zachodni, g. Babia Góra, UTM CV99 (Kubisz et Szafraniec 2003)

Staphylinidae: Atheta pilicornis, PL, Beskid Zachodni, Babia Góra, UTM CV99 (Staniec 1996b)

Staphylinidae: Atheta pilicornis, PL, Nizina Wielkopolsko-Kujawska, Złoty Potok, UTM WT28 (Słabikowski 2006)

Staphylinidae: Atheta pilicornis, PL, Górny Śląsk, rez. Las Dąbrowa nature reserve (Szafraniec et al. 1999b)

Staphylinidae: Atheta pilicornis, PL, Puszcza Białowieska, UTM FD84 (Tracz 2006)

Staphylinidae: Atheta pilicornis, PL, Puszcza Białowieska, UTM FD83 (Gutowski et al. 2006b)

Staphylinidae: Atheta pilicornis, PL, Puszcza Białowieska, UTM FD84 (Smoleński et al. 2004)

Staphylinidae: Atheta pilicornis, PL, Puszcza Białowieska, UTM FD84 (Byk 2001a)

Staphylinidae: Atheta pilicornis, PL, Puszcza Białowieska, UTM FD84 (Borowski 2001c)

Staphylinidae: Atheta pilicornis, PL, Puszcza Białowieska, UTM FD84 (Smoleński et Szujecki 2001)

Staphylinidae: Atheta pilicornis, PL, Puszcza Białowieska, UTM FD84 (Derunkov et Melke 2001a)

Staphylinidae: Atheta pilicornis, PL, Pojezierze Mazurskie, rez. Las Warmiński im. prof. Benona Połakowskiego nature reserve, UTM DE64 (Komosiński et Palińska 2006)

Staphylinidae: Atheta pilicornis, PL, Pojezierze Mazurskie, Puszcza Borecka (Melke et Maciejewski 1999)

Staphylinidae: Atheta pilicornis, PL, Pojezierze Pomorskie, Puszcza Człuchowska (Szujecki 1995c)

Staphylinidae: Atheta pilicornis, PL, «Polska» (Łomnicki 1913, Burakowski et al. 1981)

Staphylinidae: Atheta pilicornis, PL, Bieszczady, UTM FV24, coll. Szujecki A.* (Burakowski et al. 1981)

Staphylinidae: Atheta pilicornis, PL, Beskid Wschodni, ad Przemyśl, UTM FA21 (Trella 1929a, Burakowski et al. 1981)

Staphylinidae: Atheta pilicornis, PL, Pojezierze Pomorskie, Bielsko Pomorskie, UTM XV37, coll. Szujecki A.* (Burakowski et al. 1981)

Staphylinidae: Atheta pilicornis, PL, Pobrzeże Bałtyku, Koszalin, UTM WA70 (Lüllwitz 1916, Burakowski et al. 1981)

Staphylinidae: Atheta pilicornis, PL, «Śląsk» (Kuhnt 1912, Burakowski et al. 1981)

Staphylinidae: Atheta pilicornis, PL, «Śląsk» (Neumann 1907, Burakowski et al. 1981)

Staphylinidae: Atheta pilicornis, PL, «Śląsk» (Eppelsheim 1878c, Burakowski et al. 1981)

Staphylinidae: Atheta pilicornis, PL, «Śląsk» (Letzner 1871c, Burakowski et al. 1981)

Staphylinidae: Atheta pilicornis, PL, «Śląsk» (Bach 1860, Burakowski et al. 1981)

Staphylinidae: Atheta pilicornis, PL, «Śląsk» (Kraatz 1856c, Burakowski et al. 1981)

Staphylinidae: Atheta pilicornis, PL, Sudety Wschodnie, UTM XR27 (Kolbe 1907, Burakowski et al. 1981)

Staphylinidae: Atheta pilicornis, PL, Sudety Wschodnie, UTM XR27 (Gerhardt 1910d, Burakowski et al. 1981)

Staphylinidae: Atheta pilicornis, PL, Sudety Wschodnie, UTM XR27 (Gerhardt 1903d, Burakowski et al. 1981)

Staphylinidae: Atheta pilicornis, PL, Sudety Wschodnie, UTM XR27 (Letzner 1886a, Burakowski et al. 1981)

Staphylinidae: Atheta pilicornis, PL, Sudety Zachodnie, UTM WS63 (Kolbe 1907, Burakowski et al. 1981)

Staphylinidae: Atheta pilicornis, PL, Sudety Zachodnie, UTM WS63 (Gerhardt 1910d, Burakowski et al. 1981)