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Taxon count: 25
Triplax aenea (Schaller, 1783)Set as tree root ↑
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Silpha aenea Schaller, 1783Set as tree root ↑
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Silpha bicolor Th. Marsham, 1802Set as tree root ↑
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Triplax carpathica E. Reitter, 1890Set as tree root ↑
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Triplax collaris (Schaller, 1783)Set as tree root ↑
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Silpha collaris Schaller, 1783Set as tree root ↑
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Triplax capistrata J.Th. Lacordaire, 1842Set as tree root ↑
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Triplax sulphuricollis E. Reitter, 1888Set as tree root ↑
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Triplax elongata J.Th. Lacordaire, 1842Set as tree root ↑
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Triplax lepida (F. Faldermann, 1837)Set as tree root ↑
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Ischyrus lepidus F. Faldermann, 1887Set as tree root ↑
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Triplax rufipes (Fabricius, 1781)Set as tree root ↑
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Erotylus rufipes Fabricius, 1787Set as tree root ↑
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Triplax clavata J.Th. Lacordaire, 1842Set as tree root ↑
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Triplax swanetica E. Reitter, 1892Set as tree root ↑
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Triplax russica (Linnaeus, 1758)Set as tree root ↑
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Anthribus rubrus Ch. De Geer, 1775Set as tree root ↑
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Chrysomela palliata Schrank von Paula, 1798Set as tree root ↑
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Ips nigripennis Fabricius, 1792Set as tree root ↑
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Silpha castanea Th. Marsham, 1802Set as tree root ↑
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Silpha russica Linnaeus, 1758Set as tree root ↑
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Tritoma nigripennis Latreille, 1804Set as tree root ↑
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Triplax scutellaris T. Charpentier, 1825Set as tree root ↑
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Triplax bicolor L. Gyllenhal, 1808Set as tree root ↑
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Triplax gyllenhalii G.R. Crotch, 1870Set as tree root ↑
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Triplax clavata
J.Th. Lacordaire, 1842
name status: synonym
BioMap ID: 1018979
taxonomy checked: YES
- Recent records (40)

Erotylidae: Triplax rufipes, PL, Puszcza Białowieska, podlaskie, nadl. Białowieża, 2017, leg. R. Plewa

Erotylidae: Triplax rufipes, PL (Kubisz et Szwałko 1991b)

Erotylidae: Triplax rufipes, PL, Puszcza Białowieska, Białowieża ad nadl. Białowieża, 2004, leg. A. Rutkiewicz (Byk et al. 2006)

Erotylidae: Triplax rufipes, PL, Pojezierze Mazurskie, Pasłęk, rez. Dęby w Krukach Pasłęckich nature reserve, UTM DE28, 2002, leg. S. Byk (Byk et Byk 2004)

Erotylidae: Triplax rufipes, PL, Wyżyna Małopolska, nadl. Łagów, leśn. Cisów, UTM DB92, 2006, leg. A. Byk (Byk 2007)

Erotylidae: Triplax rufipes, PL, Góry Świętokrzyskie, ad Świętokrzyski P.N., rez. Chełmowa Góra, 2006, leg. A. Byk (Byk 2007)

Erotylidae: Triplax rufipes, PL, Góry Świętokrzyskie, Świętokrzyski P.N., Św. Krzyż, UTM EB03, 2006, leg. A. Byk (Byk 2007)

Erotylidae: Triplax rufipes, PL, Pojezierze Mazurskie, ad Małdyty, UTM DE17, 2002, leg. R. Gawroński

Erotylidae: Triplax rufipes, PL, Górny Śląsk, Stare Tarnowice, UTM CA48, 2011, leg. H. Szołtys

Erotylidae: Triplax rufipes, PL, Górny Śląsk, Stare Tarnowice, UTM CA48, 2009, leg. H. Szołtys

Erotylidae: Triplax rufipes, PL, Górny Śląsk, Stare Tarnowice, UTM CA48, 2007, leg. H. Szołtys

Erotylidae: Triplax rufipes, PL, Górny Śląsk, rez. Segiet nature reserve, UTM CA48, 2009, leg. H. Szołtys

Erotylidae: Triplax rufipes, PL, Górny Śląsk, rez. Las Murckowski nature reserve, UTM CA66, 2004, leg. H. Szołtys

Erotylidae: Triplax rufipes, PL, Roztocze, Roztoczański P.N., rez. Bukowa Góra nature reserve, UTM FB30, 1999, leg. S. Szafraniec

Erotylidae: Triplax rufipes, PL, Puszcza Białowieska, UTM FD94, 2000 (Byk et al. 2006)

Erotylidae: Triplax rufipes, PL, Podlasie, Białystok, UTM FD48, 1999, leg. A. Lasoń

Erotylidae: Triplax rufipes, PL, Puszcza Białowieska, Białowieski P.N., UTM FD94, 1999, leg. A. Lasoń

Erotylidae: Triplax rufipes, PL, Puszcza Białowieska, Białowieski P.N., UTM FD94, 1999, leg. A. Lasoń

Erotylidae: Triplax rufipes, PL, Podlasie, Olmonty ad Białystok, UTM FD48, 1998, leg. A. Lasoń

Erotylidae: Triplax rufipes, PL, Bieszczady, Mików, UTM EV86, 1997, leg. A. Lasoń

Erotylidae: Triplax rufipes, PL, Podlasie, Puszcza Knyszyńska, ad Sochonie, UTM FD49, 1996, leg. A. Lasoń

Erotylidae: Triplax rufipes, PL, coll. ISEZ PAN

Erotylidae: Triplax rufipes, PL, «Karpaty» (Nowicki 1865, Burakowski et al. 1986b)

Erotylidae: Triplax rufipes, PL, «Śląsk» (Horion 1951, Burakowski et al. 1986b)

Erotylidae: Triplax rufipes, PL, «Śląsk» (Weigel 1806b, Burakowski et al. 1986b)

Erotylidae: Triplax rufipes, PL, «Prusy» (Horion 1951, Burakowski et al. 1986b)

Erotylidae: Triplax rufipes, PL, «Prusy» (Lentz 1857, Burakowski et al. 1986b)

Erotylidae: Triplax rufipes, PL, «Prusy» (Zebe 1853, Burakowski et al. 1986b)

Erotylidae: Triplax rufipes, PL, «Prusy» (Siebold 1847, Burakowski et al. 1986b)

Erotylidae: Triplax rufipes, PL, «Polska» (Mazur 1983a, Burakowski et al. 1986b)

Erotylidae: Triplax rufipes, PL, «Polska» (Łomnicki 1913, Burakowski et al. 1986b)

Erotylidae: Triplax rufipes, PL, «Polska» (Kulwieć 1907, Burakowski et al. 1986b)

Erotylidae: Triplax rufipes, PL, Beskid Wschodni, rez. Turnica nature reserve, UTM FV19 (Trella 1923b, Burakowski et al. 1986b)

Erotylidae: Triplax rufipes, PL, Beskid Wschodni, UTM EA60 (Nowicki 1864, Burakowski et al. 1986b)

Erotylidae: Triplax rufipes, PL, Wyżyna Krakowsko-Wieluńska, Potok Złoty ad Częstochowa, UTM CB81 (Lgocki 1908, Burakowski et al. 1986b)

Erotylidae: Triplax rufipes, PL, Pojezierze Mazurskie, Ostróda, UTM DE35 (Horion 1960a, Burakowski et al. 1986b)

Erotylidae: Triplax rufipes, PL, Pojezierze Mazurskie, Ostróda, UTM DE35 (Lentz 1879, Burakowski et al. 1986b)

Erotylidae: Triplax rufipes, PL, Pojezierze Pomorskie, Wejherowo, UTM CF25 (Horion 1960a, Burakowski et al. 1986b)

Erotylidae: Triplax rufipes, PL, Pojezierze Pomorskie, Wejherowo, UTM CF25 (Lentz 1879, Burakowski et al. 1986b)

Erotylidae: Triplax rufipes, PL, Pojezierze Pomorskie, Wejherowo, UTM CF25 (Lentz 1861, Burakowski et al. 1986b)