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Taxon count: 26
Helophorus arvernicus M.E. Mulsant, 1846Set as tree root ↑
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[49] → Show taxon data
Helophorus asperatus C. Rey, 1885Set as tree root ↑
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[30] → Show taxon data
Helophorus brevipalpis brevipalpis Bedel, 1881Set as tree root ↑
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Helophorus brevitarsis A. Kuwert, 1890Set as tree root ↑
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Helophorus confrater A. Kuwert, 1886Set as tree root ↑
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Helophorus croaticus A. Kuwert, 1886Set as tree root ↑
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[21] → Show taxon data
Helophorus discrepans C. Rey, 1885Set as tree root ↑
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[12] → Show taxon data
Helophorus dorsalis (Th. Marsham, 1802)Set as tree root ↑
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[37] → Show taxon data
Helophorus flavipes Fabricius, 1792Set as tree root ↑
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[87] → Show taxon data
Helophorus fulgidicollis V.I. Motschulsky, 1860Set as tree root ↑
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Helophorus glacialis A. Villa et J.B. Villa, 1833Set as tree root ↑
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[38] → Show taxon data
Helophorus granularis (Linnaeus, 1760)Set as tree root ↑
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[161] → Show taxon data
Helophorus griseus J.F.W. Herbst, 1793Set as tree root ↑
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[87] → Show taxon data
Helophorus guttulus V.I. Motschulsky, 1860Set as tree root ↑
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Helophorus lapponicus C.G. Thomson, 1853Set as tree root ↑
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Helophorus laticollis C.G. Thomson, 1853Set as tree root ↑
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[31] → Show taxon data
Helophorus longitarsis T.V. Wollaston, 1864Set as tree root ↑
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[23] → Show taxon data
Helophorus minutus Fabricius, 1775Set as tree root ↑
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[52] → Show taxon data
Helophorus montenegrinus A. Kuwert, 1885Set as tree root ↑
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Helophorus nanus J. Sturm, 1836Set as tree root ↑
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[59] → Show taxon data
Helophorus nivalis Giraud, 1852Set as tree root ↑
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Helophorus obscurus M.E. Mulsant, 1844Set as tree root ↑
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[42] → Show taxon data
Helophorus paraminutus Angus, 1986Set as tree root ↑
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Helophorus pumilio W.F. Erichson, 1837Set as tree root ↑
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[48] → Show taxon data
Helophorus redtenbacheri A. Kuwert, 1885Set as tree root ↑
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[20] → Show taxon data
Helophorus strigifrons C.G. Thomson, 1868Set as tree root ↑
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[61] → Show taxon data
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Helophorus pumilio var. redtenbacheri
A. Kuwert, 1885
name status: synonym
BioMap ID: 1038617
taxonomy checked: YES
- Recent records (20)

Helophoridae: Helophorus redtenbacheri, PL, Polska (Przewoźny 2004b)

Helophoridae: Helophorus redtenbacheri, PL, Polska (Hansen 2004)

Helophoridae: Helophorus redtenbacheri, PL, Beskid Wschodni, UTM EA60 (Przewoźny 2004b)

Helophoridae: Helophorus redtenbacheri, PL, Sudety Wschodnie, UTM XR27 (Przewoźny 2004b)

Helophoridae: Helophorus redtenbacheri, PL, Sudety Zachodnie, UTM WS63 (Przewoźny 2004b)

Helophoridae: Helophorus redtenbacheri, PL, Dolny Śląsk, UTM XS24 (Przewoźny 2004b)

Helophoridae: Helophorus redtenbacheri, PL, Nizina Wielkopolsko-Kujawska, UTM XT49 (Przewoźny 2004b)

Helophoridae: Helophorus redtenbacheri, PL, «Śląsk» (Kuhnt 1912, Burakowski et al. 1976)

Helophoridae: Helophorus redtenbacheri, PL, «Polska» (Łomnicki 1913, Burakowski et al. 1976)

Helophoridae: Helophorus redtenbacheri, PL, Beskid Wschodni, ad Przemyśl, UTM FA21 (Trella 1937(1935-36), Burakowski et al. 1976)

Helophoridae: Helophorus redtenbacheri, PL, Sudety Wschodnie, ad Kłodzko, UTM XR18 (Gerhardt 1910d, Burakowski et al. 1976)

Helophoridae: Helophorus redtenbacheri, PL, Sudety Zachodnie, ad Jelenia Góra, UTM WS53 (Gerhardt 1910d, Burakowski et al. 1976)

Helophoridae: Helophorus redtenbacheri, PL, Sudety Zachodnie, Karkonosze, UTM WS42 (Gerhardt 1910d, Burakowski et al. 1976)

Helophoridae: Helophorus redtenbacheri, PL, Dolny Śląsk, UTM XS24 (Drescher 1928, Burakowski et al. 1976)

Helophoridae: Helophorus redtenbacheri, PL, Dolny Śląsk, UTM XS24 (Gerhardt 1910d, Burakowski et al. 1976)

Helophoridae: Helophorus redtenbacheri, PL, Dolny Śląsk, UTM XS24 (Gerhardt 1906d, Burakowski et al. 1976)

Helophoridae: Helophorus redtenbacheri, PL, Dolny Śląsk, UTM XS24 (Kolbe 1919a, Burakowski et al. 1976)

Helophoridae: Helophorus redtenbacheri, PL, Dolny Śląsk, UTM XS24 (Kolbe 1897, Burakowski et al. 1976)

Helophoridae: Helophorus redtenbacheri, PL, Dolny Śląsk, UTM XS24 (Kuwert 1890c, Burakowski et al. 1976)

Helophoridae: Helophorus redtenbacheri, PL, Nizina Wielkopolsko-Kujawska, UTM XT49 (Arnold 1935a, Burakowski et al. 1976)