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Grüm L. 1973c. Patterns of Carabus arcensis Hbst. Distribution within Different Habitats. Bull. Acad. Pol. Sc., Ser. Sci. Biol., 21:229-233.
Grüm L. 1973d. Weight increase of newly hatched carabid beetles. Bull. Acad. Pol. Sc., Ser. Sci. Biol., 21:499-503.
Grüm L. 1976a. An attempt to characterize matter transfer by carabid communities. Ekol. Pol., A, 24:365-375. Pokaż rekordy
Grüm L. 1976b. An attempt to characterize matter transfer by carabid communities inhabiting forests. Ekol. Pol., 24:365-375.
Grüm L. 1976c. An attempt to estimate production of a few Carabus L. species (Col., Carabidae). Ekol. Pol., 23-1975:673-680. Pokaż rekordy
Grüm L. 1976d. Biomass production of carabid-beetles in a few forest habitats. Ekol. Pol., 24:37-56. Pokaż rekordy
Grüm L. 1976e. Growth rate of the Carabus L. larvae (Col., Carabidae). Ekol. Pol., 23-1975:667-671. Pokaż rekordy
Grüm L. 1976f. Mortality patterns in carabid populations. Ekol. Pol., 23-1975:649-665. Pokaż rekordy
Grüm L. 1978. Mechanisms governing rate and direction of energy flow through carabid populations. Pol. Ecol. Stud., 4(2):129-175.
Grüm L. 1979. Mortality rates of the mobile and immobile stages in the life-cycle of carabids. [In:] Erwin T.L., Ball G.E., Whitehead D.R. (Eds.) Carabid beetles: their evolution, natural history, and classification. Proceedings of the First Internatonal Symposium of Carabidology. Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. August 21, 23, and 25, 1976.
Grüm L. 1980. Methods of approximate estimation of energy flow through carabid populations. Ekol. Pol., A, 28(1):129-149.
Grüm L. 1981. Home range estimates as applied to study carabid dispersal. [In:] Brandmayr P., den Boer P.J., Weber F. (Eds.) Ecology of carabids: the synthesis of field study and laboratory experiment. Report of a symposium held at the country house “Haus Rothenberge” of the University of Münster. pp. 55-58.
Grüm L. 1984. Carabid fecundity as affected by extrinsic and intrinsic factors. Oecologia, 65(1):114-121. Pokaż rekordy
Grüm L. 1986a. Density fluctuations in a carabid guild. [In:] den Boer P.J., Luff M.L., Mossakowski D., Weber F. (Eds.) Carabid beetles. Their adaptations and dynamics. 17th International Congress of Entomology, Hamburg, 1984. Stuttgart. pp. 344-359.
Grüm L. 1986b. The energy flow through carabid communities inhabiting forests. [In:] den Boer P.J., Grüm L., Szyszko J. (Eds.) Feeding behaviour and accessibility of food for carabid beetles. Report of the Fifth Meeting of European Carabidologists held at the Field Station Stara Brda Pilska of the Institute of Forest Protection and Ecology. Warsaw Agricultural University, Warsaw. pp. 157-167. Pokaż rekordy
Grüm L. 1990. Spatial distribution of males and females of Carabus arcensis Hbst. in the breeding season. [In:] Stork N.E. (Ed.) The role of ground beetles in ecological and environmental studies. Intercept, Andover. pp. 277-287.
Grüm L. 1993. Walking patterns in Carabus arcensis Hbst.(Col., Carabidae): a model. Pol. Ecol. Stud., 19(1-2):73-83.
Grüm L. 1994a. Habitat preference and competition among Carabus. [In:] Desender K., Dufrêne M., Loreau M., Luff M.L., Maelfait J.P. (Eds.) Carabid beetles: Ecology and evolution. Kluver Academic Publ, Dodrecht-Boston-London. pp. 295-298.
Grüm L. 1994b. Minimum populations of carabid beetles (Col, Carabidae). [In:] Hermann, Remmert (Eds.) Minimum Animal Populations. pp. 131-136.
Grüm L. 2003. Epigeiczne gatunki biegaczowatych (Carabidae). Kampinoski Park Narodowy., 1:533-538. Pokaż rekordy