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Matthews A. 1865. On various species of Trichopterygidae new to Britain. Ent. Monthly Mag., 1:173-178.
Matthews A. 1866. Notes on some species of Trichopterygidae new to Britain, and of various alterations of nomenclature in the same family. Ent. Monthly Mag., 2:241-245.
Matthews A. 1868. On some species of Trichopterygia new to the British list. Ent. Monthly Mag., 5:9-13.
Matthews A. 1872. Trichopterygia illustrata et descripta. A monograph of the Trichopterygia. London. XV + 189 pp.
Matthews A. 1873. Notes on Trichopterygia, with descriptions of two new species. Ent. Monthly Mag., 9:178-180.
Matthews A. 1878. Descriptions of two new species of Trichopteryx, and record of the capture of T. volans in Britain. Ent. Monthly Mag., 15:64-65.
Matthews A. 1885. Synopsis of the British Species of Orthoperus. Ent. Monthly Mag., 22:107-110.
Matthews A. 1888. Corylophidae. [In:] Biologia Centrali-Americana. Insecta. Coleoptera. Vol. II. Part 1. London. pp. 102-125.
Matthews E.G., Lawrence J.F. 2015. Trachelostenini sensu novo: redescriptions of Trachelostenus Solier, Myrmecodema Gebien and Leaus Matthews & Lawrence, based on adults and larvae, and descriptions of three new species of Leaus (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae). Zootaxa, 4020():289-312.
Matuschka V. 1874. Rhizophagus grandis und Dendroctonus micans bei Rybnik. Jb. Schles. Ges. Vaterl. Cult., 51:6, 173.
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Matuschka V. 1896a. Argante moesta F. in Kohlfurt. Z. Ent., N. F., 21:15-16.
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Matuschka V. 1896b. Phytodecta 5-punctata F. var sorbi u. a. aus Stephansdorf. Z. Ent., N. F., 21:15.
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Matuschka V. 1896c. Saperda punctata L. im Oderwalde bei Ohlau. Z. Ent., N. F., 21:16.
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Matuschka V. 1900. Chrysomela brunsvicensis Grav. in Schlesien. Z. Ent., N. F., 25:22.
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Matuszczyk J., Taszakowski A. 2017. Lądowe pluskwiaki różnoskrzydłe (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) masywu Starego Gronia (Beskid Śląski). Het. Pol. Acta Faun., 11:65-71.
Matuszewski Sz., Bajerlein D., Konwerski Sz., Szpila K. 2008a. An initial study of insect succession and carrion decomposition in various forest habitats of Central Europe. Parki Nar. Rez. Przyr., 180:61-69.
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Matuszewski Sz., Bajerlein D., Konwerski Sz., Szpila K. 2008b. Entomologia sądowa w Polsce. Wiad. Entomol., 27(1):49-52.
pełny tekst
Matyjasiak P., Romanowski J. 2011. Wisła jako warsztat badawczy biologów. Wydawnictwo UKSW, Warszawa. 214 pp.
Matysiak K. 1964. Pijawki (Hirudinea) Puszczy Białowieskiej. Przegl. Zool., 8:154-156.
Matysiak K. 1968. Przyczynek do znajomości popożywienia [sic.] Rana temporaria L. Przegl. Zool., 12:246-247.
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