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Taxon count: 49
Hypera arundinis (G. Paykull, 1792)Set as tree root ↑
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Curculio arundinis G. Paykull, 1792Set as tree root ↑
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Eririnomorphus hydrolapathi J. Weise, 1903Set as tree root ↑
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Hypera palumbaria var. hydrolapathi J. Weise, 1903Set as tree root ↑
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Phytonomus hydrolapathi J. Weise, 1903Set as tree root ↑
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Hypera conmaculata (J.F.W. Herbst, 1795)Set as tree root ↑
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Curculio adspersus Fabricius, 1792Set as tree root ↑
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Curculio interruptus Th. Marsham, 1802Set as tree root ↑
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Curculio lineatus J.F.W. Herbst, 1795Set as tree root ↑
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Curculio rumicis Olivier, 1790Set as tree root ↑
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Eririnomorphus adspersus Fabricius, 1792Set as tree root ↑
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Eririnomorphus alternatus C.H. Boheman, 1842Set as tree root ↑
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Eririnomorphus angusticollis C.H. Boheman, 1834Set as tree root ↑
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Eririnomorphus histrio C.H. Boheman, 1842Set as tree root ↑
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Eririnomorphus ignotus C.H. Boheman, 1842Set as tree root ↑
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Eririnomorphus interruptus Th. Marsham, 1802Set as tree root ↑
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Eririnomorphus japanicus Petri, 1901Set as tree root ↑
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Eririnomorphus julini C.R. Sahlberg, 1835Set as tree root ↑
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Eririnomorphus kunzei J.F. Stephens, 1831Set as tree root ↑
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Eririnomorphus lineatus J.F.W. Herbst, 1795Set as tree root ↑
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Eririnomorphus lineatus J.F. Stephens, 1829Set as tree root ↑
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Eririnomorphus palustris J.F. Stephens, 1831Set as tree root ↑
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Eririnomorphus parallelogrammus C.H. Boheman, 1834Set as tree root ↑
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Eririnomorphus rumicis Olivier, 1790Set as tree root ↑
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Hypera adspersa (Fabricius, 1792)Set as tree root ↑
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Hypera alternans J.F. Stephens, 1831Set as tree root ↑
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Hypera pollux Fabricius, 1801Set as tree root ↑
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Phytonomus alternans J.F. Stephens, 1831Set as tree root ↑
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Phytonomus alternatus C.H. Boheman, 1842Set as tree root ↑
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Phytonomus angusticollis C.H. Boheman, 1834Set as tree root ↑
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Phytonomus comptus Th. Say, 1831Set as tree root ↑
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Phytonomus diversus L. Gyllenhal, 1834Set as tree root ↑
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Phytonomus histrio C.H. Boheman, 1842Set as tree root ↑
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Phytonomus ignotus C.H. Boheman, 1842Set as tree root ↑
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Phytonomus japanicus Petri, 1901Set as tree root ↑
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Phytonomus kunzei J.F. Stephens, 1831Set as tree root ↑
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Phytonomus lineatus J.F. Stephens, 1829Set as tree root ↑
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Phytonomus palustris J.F. Stephens, 1831Set as tree root ↑
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Phytonomus parallelogrammus C.H. Boheman, 1834Set as tree root ↑
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Phytonomus rostratus J. Faust, 1890Set as tree root ↑
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Rhynchaenus julini C.R. Sahlberg, 1835Set as tree root ↑
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Rhynchaenus pollux Fabricius, 1801Set as tree root ↑
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Hypera rumicis (Linnaeus, 1758)Set as tree root ↑
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Curculio acetosae Panzer, 1797Set as tree root ↑
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Curculio pyrrhodactylus Th. Marsham, 1802Set as tree root ↑
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Curculio rumicis Linnaeus, 1758Set as tree root ↑
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Phytonomus comptus Th. Say, 1831Set as tree root ↑
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Phytonomus diversus L. Gyllenhal, 1834Set as tree root ↑
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Phytonomus rostratus J. Faust, 1890Set as tree root ↑
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Phytonomus angusticollis
C.H. Boheman, 1834
name status: synonym
BioMap ID: 1049803
taxonomy checked: YES
- Recent records (50)

Curculionidae: Hypera conmaculata, PL, Strzelewo, 1927, leg. A. Gottwald, coll. IBL, Zakład Ochrony Lasu, Sękocin: Gottwald

Curculionidae: Hypera conmaculata, PL, Pawłówek, 1927, leg. A. Gottwald, coll. IBL, Zakład Ochrony Lasu, Sękocin: Gottwald

Curculionidae: Hypera conmaculata, PL, Puszcza Białowieska, Białowieża, UTM FD94, 2004, leg. R. Plewa, coll. IBL, Zakład Ochrony Lasu, Sękocin: Gottwald

Curculionidae: Hypera conmaculata, PL (Ruta et al. 2011a)

Curculionidae: Hypera conmaculata, PL (Renner et Messutat 2007)

Curculionidae: Hypera conmaculata, PL (Mokrzycki 2007)

Curculionidae: Hypera conmaculata, PL (Gosik 2006d)

Curculionidae: Hypera conmaculata, PL (Kuśka 2001d)

Curculionidae: Hypera conmaculata, PL (Łętowski et Gosik 2002)

Curculionidae: Hypera conmaculata, PL (Gosik et al. 2002b)

Curculionidae: Hypera conmaculata, PL (Łętowski et al. 2001b)

Curculionidae: Hypera conmaculata, PL (Bercio et Folwaczny 1979)

Curculionidae: Hypera conmaculata, PL (Minda-Lechowska et Łętowski 1998)

Curculionidae: Hypera conmaculata, PL (Mazur 1992)

Curculionidae: Hypera conmaculata, PL (Mazur 1994d)

Curculionidae: Hypera conmaculata, PL (Petryszak et al. 1995b)

Curculionidae: Hypera conmaculata, PL (Petryszak 1998b)

Curculionidae: Hypera conmaculata, PL (Petryszak et al. 1993)

Curculionidae: Hypera conmaculata, PL (Petryszak et al. 1995a)

Curculionidae: Hypera conmaculata, PL (Petryszak et Skalski 1998)

Curculionidae: Hypera conmaculata, PL (Cmoluch 1992b)

Curculionidae: Hypera conmaculata, PL (Łętowski 1995)

Curculionidae: Hypera conmaculata, PL (Cmoluch et al. 1994)

Curculionidae: Hypera conmaculata, PL (Knutelski 2000)

Curculionidae: Hypera conmaculata, PL (Knutelski et Witkowski 1995)

Curculionidae: Hypera conmaculata, PL (Knutelski 1991b)

Curculionidae: Hypera conmaculata, PL (Knutelski 2000(1999))

Curculionidae: Hypera conmaculata, PL, Pojezierze Mazurskie, Biebrzański P.N., podlaskie, UTM FE13, 1996, leg. M. Wanat (Wanat 2005d)

Curculionidae: Hypera conmaculata, PL, Pojezierze Mazurskie, Biebrzański P.N., podlaskie, UTM FE13, 1996, leg. M. Wanat (Wanat 2005d)

Curculionidae: Hypera conmaculata, PL, Pojezierze Mazurskie, Biebrzański P.N., podlaskie, UTM FE13, 1996, leg. M. Wanat (Wanat 2005d)

Curculionidae: Hypera conmaculata, PL, Pojezierze Mazurskie, Biebrzański P.N., podlaskie, UTM FE13, 1996, leg. M. Wanat (Wanat 2005d)

Curculionidae: Hypera conmaculata, PL, Beskid Zachodni, małopolskie, Krynica, UTM EV06, 1977, leg. T. Huflejt

Curculionidae: Hypera conmaculata, PL, Nizina Wielkopolsko-Kujawska, łódzkie, Ktery, UTM CC87, 1979, leg. B. Soszyński

Curculionidae: Hypera conmaculata, PL, Pojezierze Mazurskie, Puszcza Augustowska, podlaskie, Mały Borek, rez. Mały Borek nature reserve, UTM FE57, 1977, leg. M. Wanat (Wanat 1989)

Curculionidae: Hypera conmaculata, PL, Wyżyna Lubelska, lubelskie, Górecko ad Izbica, UTM FB44, 1978, leg. D. Tarnawski

Curculionidae: Hypera conmaculata, PL, Wyżyna Małopolska, Łódź, łódzkie, Lublinek, UTM CC83, 1979, leg. M. Wanat (Wanat 1987b)

Curculionidae: Hypera conmaculata, PL, Wyżyna Małopolska, Łódź, łódzkie, Lublinek, UTM CC83, 1979, leg. M. Wanat (Wanat 1987b)

Curculionidae: Hypera conmaculata, PL, Wyżyna Małopolska, łódzkie, Żeromin ad Łódź, UTM DC01, 1980, leg. M. Wanat

Curculionidae: Hypera conmaculata, PL, Wyżyna Małopolska, łódzkie, Żeromin ad Łódź, UTM DC01, 1980, leg. M. Wanat

Curculionidae: Hypera conmaculata, PL, Wyżyna Małopolska, łódzkie, Żeromin ad Łódź, UTM DC01, 1980, leg. M. Wanat

Curculionidae: Hypera conmaculata, PL, Wyżyna Małopolska, łódzkie, Dłutów ad Łódź, UTM CC81, 1980, leg. M. Wanat

Curculionidae: Hypera conmaculata, PL, Wyżyna Małopolska, łódzkie, Żeromin ad Łódź, UTM DC01, 1980, leg. M. Wanat

Curculionidae: Hypera conmaculata, PL, Wyżyna Małopolska, łódzkie, Żeromin ad Łódź, UTM DC01, 1980, leg. M. Wanat

Curculionidae: Hypera conmaculata, PL, Wyżyna Małopolska, Łódź, łódzkie, Lublinek, UTM CC83, 1981, leg. M. Wanat

Curculionidae: Hypera conmaculata, PL, Wyżyna Małopolska, łódzkie, Sulejów, UTM DB29, 1982, leg. M. Wanat

Curculionidae: Hypera conmaculata, PL, Wyżyna Małopolska, Łódź, łódzkie, Lublinek, UTM CC83, 1982, leg. M. Wanat

Curculionidae: Hypera conmaculata, PL, Wyżyna Małopolska, Łódź, łódzkie, Lublinek, UTM CC83, 1982, leg. M. Mażewski (Wanat 1987b)

Curculionidae: Hypera conmaculata, PL (Łętowski et al. 2001a)

Curculionidae: Hypera conmaculata, PL, Pojezierze Pomorskie, Bożepole Wielkie ad Lębork, UTM XA95, 2010, leg. M. Wołoszynek

Curculionidae: Hypera conmaculata, PL, Pojezierze Pomorskie, Bożepole Wielkie ad Lębork, UTM XA95, 2010, leg. M. Wołoszynek