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Biodiversity Map
  1. Arthropodaphylum
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  2. Hexapodasubphylum
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  3. Insectaclass
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  4. Coleopteraorder
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  5. Polyphagasuborder
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  6. Cucujiformiaseries
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  7. Curculionoideasuperfamily
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  8. Curculionidaefamily
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  9. Scolytinaesubfamily
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  10. Xyleborinitribe
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  11. Xyleborinusgenus
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species: Xyleborus alni Niisima, 1909
name status: synonym
BioMap ID: 1027875   
taxonomy checked: YES
source of names: Löbl et Smetana 2011a wykaz: M. Wanat
Data on distribution in Poland
Xyleborus alni - Data on distribution in Poland - Biodiversity Map: NRF: subregions — minimap
  • Records: 23
  • Publications: 8
  • Collections: 6
  • Publication authors: 17
  • Illustrations (iconography): lacking
  • Photos (specimen/observation): lacking

Taxon description
Gatunek blisko spokrewniony z Xyleborus saxeseni Ratz. Opisany z Japonii, wykazany z Syberii Wschodniej i obecnie z Niemiec, Polski, Czech, Moraw, Słowacji i Austrii. W Polsce znany z trzech okazów zebranych spod kory buka. Rozwój larwalny w Europie stwierdzono w drewnie wierzb — Salix L., dębów — Quercus L., olsz — Alnus Mill., brzóz — Betula L. i leszczyn — Corylus L.

External data sources