Русские, остановите эту войну! Спасите Свободную Украину!
Russians, stop this war! Save Free Ukraine!
Biodiversity Map
type: article
year: 2014
authors: Żóralski R., Kowalczyk J.K.
title: Sphaerophoria chongjini Bańkowska, 1964 (Diptera: Syrphidae) - nowy gatunek dla fauny Polski. [Sphaerophoria chongjini Bańkowska, 1964 (Diptera: Syrphidae) - first record of the species in the Polish fauna.].
periodical: Dipteronvol.: 30pages: 106-112
short citation: Żóralski et Kowalczyk 2014
BioMap ID: 18107