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Colonnelli E., Knutelski S. 2005. Redescription and new records of Ranunculiphilus pseudinclemens (Dieckmann, 1969), with a key to the species of the genus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Ceutorhynchinae),. Genus, 16:619-627.
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Colvée P. 1882. Nuevos Estudios sobre algunos insectos de la familia de los Coccidos. Valencia. 16 pp.
Comolli A. 1837. De Coleopteris novis ac rarioribus minusve cognitis provinciae Novocomi. Ticini Regii. 54 pp.
Comstock J.H. 1853. Second Report on Scale Insects. Including a monograph of the subfamily Diaspinae of the family Coccidae and a list, with notes, of the other species of scale insects found in North America. Rep. Dept. Ent. Cornell. Univ. Exp. Stat., 2:47-143.
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Corporaal J.B. 1932. Notizen über Palaearctische Cleriden (10te Mitteilung über Cleriden). Tijdschr. Ent., 75, Suppl:136-140.
Costa O.-G. 1828. Prospetto di una nuova divisione metodica del genere Coccus L. Napoli. 8 pp.
Costa O.-G. 1839a. Degli Insetti nuovi e rari della Provincia di Terra d'Otranto. Atti R. Accad. Sci. Lett, 4:1-19.
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