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Rutkiewicz A., Borowski J., Byk A., Mokrzycki T. 2013. Waloryzacja lasów Leśnego Kompleksu Promocyjnego „Lasy Spalsko-Rogowskie” na podstawie zgrupowań chrząszczy saproksylicznych powierzchni pni drzew. Studia i Materiały CEPL w Rogowie, 2(35):129-159.
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Rutkowski R., Szczuka A., Zalewski M., Korczyńska J., Gryziak G. 2011. Failure of microsatellite's cross-species amplification in common ground beetle Pterostichus melanarius (Illiger). Baltic J. Coleopterol., 11(1):17-24.
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Rutkowski T., Gierlasiński G., Lis J.A. 2018. Psacasta exanthematica (Scopoli, 1763) (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Scutelleridae) w Polsce. Het. Pol. Acta Faun., 12:33-35.
Ryall K., Silk P. P., Webster R.P., Gutowski J.M., Meng Q. Q., Li Y., Gao W., Fidgen J., Kimoto T., Scarr T., Mastro V., Sweeney J.D. 2015. Further evidence that monochamol is attractive to Monochamus (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) species, with attraction synergised by host plant volatiles and bark beetle (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) pheromones. , 147(5):564-579.
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Rybiński M. 1897a. Wykaz chrząszczów nowych dla fauny galicyjskiej. Spraw. Kom. Fizyogr., 32:46-62.
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Rybiński M. 1897b. Wykaz chrząszczów nowych dla fauny galicyjskiej. (Ausweis neuer Käferarten für die galizische Fauna). Bull. Int. Acad. Sc. Cracov. Cl. Math. Nat., 1897(2):82-83.
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Rybiński M. 1901. Trechus fontinalis n. sp. Spraw. Kom. Fizyogr., 35:66.
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Rybiński M. 1902b. Coleopterorum species novae minusve cognitae in Galicia inventae. Rozpr. Wydz. Mat.-Przyr. A.U., B, 42:1-8.
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Rybiński M. 1903a. Chrząszcze nowe dla fauny galicyjskiej. Wykaz II. Spraw. Kom. Fizyogr., 37(II):16-30.
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Rye E.C. 1864. Descriptions of the British species of Stenus. Ent. Monthly Mag., 1:6-11, 36-43, 59-65, 86-92, 108-112.
Rye E.C. 1865. Description of a species of Bledius new to science. Ent. Monthly Mag., 2:154-155.
Rye E.C. 1866a. Descriptions of new species, &c., of Brachelytra. Ent. Monthly Mag., 3:121-125.
Rye E.C. 1866b. Description of new species of Cryptophagus; and note on the occurrence of another species of that genus new to Britain. Ent. Monthly Mag., 3:101-102.
Rye E.C. 1870. Descriptions of new species, &c., of Coleoptera from Britain. Ent. Monthly Mag., 7:6-9.
Rye E.C. 1872a. Additions, &c., to the list of British Coleoptera, with descriptions of three new species. Ent. Monthly Mag., 97:5-11.
Rye E.C. 1872b. A list of the species of Coleoptera recorded as new to Britain in the Entomologist’s Annuals, 1855-72; with the more important corrections in nomenclature, &c. Ent. Annual, 1872:125-201.
Rye E.C. 1872c. Notes on British Coleoptera, including three species new to our list. Ent. Monthly Mag., 9:36-39.