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Drogoszewski K. 1939(1937-38). Przyczynek do znajomości fauny Żądłówek Polski środkowej. Pol. Pismo Ent., 16-17:165-166.
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Drohojowska J., Głowacka E. 2011. The jumping plant-lice (Hemiptera: Psylloidea) of the Tatra National Park. Pol. Pismo Ent., 80(2):265-275.
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Drozd-Nurek L. 1980. Występowanie Leistus rufomarginatus (Duft.) (Col., Carabidae) we Wrocławiu. Przegl. Zool., 24(3):321-322.
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Drozd-Nurek L. 1988. Interesujące gatunki Carabidae (Coleoptera) w faunie miejskiej Wrocławia. [Interesting species of Carabidae (Coleoptera) in the urban fauna of Wroclaw.]. Przegl. Zool., 32(4):541-542.
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Drozd-Nurek L., Kornalewicz W. 1982. On the biology and ecology of carabid beetles. Wszechświat, 83(8-9):152-153.
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Drury D. 1770. Illustrations of Natural History, Wherein are exhibited Upwards of Two Hundred and Forty Figures of Exotic Insects, According to their different Genera; Very few of which have hitherto been figured by any Author, Being engraved and coloured from Nature, with the greatest Accurancy, and under the Author's own Inspection, on Fifty Copper-Plates. With a particular Description of each Insect: Interspersed with Remarks and Reflections on the Nature and Properties of many of them. To which is added, a Translation into French. London. 27 + 130 pp.
Drury D. 1782. Illustrations of Natural History, Wherein are exhibited Upwards of Two Hundred Figures of Exotic Insects, According to their different genera; Very few of which have hitherto been figured by any author, Being engraved and coloured from nature, with the greatest accurancy, and under the author's own inspection, on fifty copper-plates; With a particular description of each insect: Interspersed with remarks and reflections on the Nature and properties of many of them. To which is added a translation into French. Tom III,. London. XXVI + 76 pp.
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Dubiel G., Bystrowski C. 2017. Wstępne dane o rączycowatych (Diptera: Tachinidae) Beskidu Śląskiego oraz przyległych obszarów Beskidu Zachodniego. Preliminary data on tachinid flies (Diptera: Tachinidae) of the Silesian Beskids and adjacent areas of the Western Silesian Beskids. Dipteron, 33:34-54.
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