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Taxon count: 58
Quedius alpestris O. Heer, 1839Set as tree root ↑
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[87] → Show taxon data
Quedius balticus H. Korge, 1960Set as tree root ↑
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Quedius boopoides Münster, 1923Set as tree root ↑
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[44] → Show taxon data
Quedius boops boops (J.L.C. Gravenhorst, 1802)Set as tree root ↑
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Quedius brevicornis (C.G. Thomson, 1860)Set as tree root ↑
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[96] → Show taxon data
Quedius brevis W.F. Erichson, 1840Set as tree root ↑
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Quedius cincticollis cincticollis E.G. Kraatz, 1857Set as tree root ↑
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[65] → Show taxon data
Quedius cinctus (G. Paykull, 1790)Set as tree root ↑
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Quedius collaris collaris W.F. Erichson, 1840Set as tree root ↑
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Quedius cruentus (Olivier, 1795)Set as tree root ↑
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Quedius curtipennis M. Bernhauer, 1908Set as tree root ↑
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Quedius dilatatus (Fabricius, 1787)Set as tree root ↑
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Quedius fulgidus fulgidus (Fabricius, 1793)Set as tree root ↑
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Quedius fuliginosus (J.L.C. Gravenhorst, 1802)Set as tree root ↑
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[251] → Show taxon data
Quedius fulvicollis (J.F. Stephens, 1833)Set as tree root ↑
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Quedius fumatus (J.F. Stephens, 1833)Set as tree root ↑
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[47] → Show taxon data
Quedius haberfelneri E. Eppelsheim, 1891Set as tree root ↑
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Quedius humeralis J.F. Stephens, 1832Set as tree root ↑
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[37] → Show taxon data
Quedius infuscatus W.F. Erichson, 1840Set as tree root ↑
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Quedius invreae Gridelli, 1924Set as tree root ↑
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Quedius lateralis (J.L.C. Gravenhorst, 1802)Set as tree root ↑
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[59] → Show taxon data
Quedius levicollis (A. Brullé, 1832)Set as tree root ↑
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Quedius limbatus (O. Heer, 1839)Set as tree root ↑
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Quedius longicornis E.G. Kraatz, 1857Set as tree root ↑
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[105] → Show taxon data
Quedius lucidulus W.F. Erichson, 1839Set as tree root ↑
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[60] → Show taxon data
Quedius maurorufus (J.L.C. Gravenhorst, 1806)Set as tree root ↑
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[53] → Show taxon data
Quedius maurus (C.R. Sahlberg, 1830)Set as tree root ↑
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[137] → Show taxon data
Quedius mesomelinus mesomelinus (Th. Marsham, 1802)Set as tree root ↑
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[298] → Show taxon data
Quedius mesomelinus skoraszewskyi H. Korge, 1960Set as tree root ↑
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Quedius microps J.L.C. Gravenhorst, 1847Set as tree root ↑
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[167] → Show taxon data
Quedius molochinus (J.L.C. Gravenhorst, 1806)Set as tree root ↑
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[172] → Show taxon data
Quedius nemoralis nemoralis F. Baudi di Selve, 1848Set as tree root ↑
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[27] → Show taxon data
Quedius nigriceps nigriceps E.G. Kraatz, 1857Set as tree root ↑
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Quedius nigrocaeruleus A. Fauvel, 1876Set as tree root ↑
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Quedius nitipennis (J.F. Stephens, 1833)Set as tree root ↑
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Quedius obscuripennis obscuripennis M. Bernhauer, 1901Set as tree root ↑
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[39] → Show taxon data
Quedius ochripennis (Ménétries, 1832)Set as tree root ↑
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Quedius ochropterus ochropterus W.F. Erichson, 1840Set as tree root ↑
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Quedius paradisianus (O. Heer, 1839)Set as tree root ↑
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[128] → Show taxon data
Quedius persimilis M.E. Mulsant et C. Rey, 1876Set as tree root ↑
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[4] → Show taxon data
Quedius picipes (C.G. Mannerheim, 1830)Set as tree root ↑
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Quedius plagiatus C.G. Mannerheim, 1843Set as tree root ↑
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[183] → Show taxon data
Quedius punctatellus (O. Heer, 1839)Set as tree root ↑
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[76] → Show taxon data
Quedius puncticollis (C.G. Thomson, 1867)Set as tree root ↑
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[199] → Show taxon data
Quedius reitteri Gridelli, 1925Set as tree root ↑
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Quedius riparius Kellner, 1843Set as tree root ↑
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Quedius scintillans (J.L.C. Gravenhorst, 1806)Set as tree root ↑
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[56] → Show taxon data
Quedius scitus (J.L.C. Gravenhorst, 1806)Set as tree root ↑
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[189] → Show taxon data
Quedius scribae L. Ganglbauer, 1895Set as tree root ↑
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Quedius semiaeneus (J.F. Stephens, 1833)Set as tree root ↑
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Quedius semiobscurus (Th. Marsham, 1802)Set as tree root ↑
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Quedius suturalis suturalis H. Kiesenwetter, 1845Set as tree root ↑
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[44] → Show taxon data
Quedius tenellus (J.L.C. Gravenhorst, 1806)Set as tree root ↑
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Quedius truncicola L. Fairmaire et Laboulbène, 1856Set as tree root ↑
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Quedius umbrinus W.F. Erichson, 1839Set as tree root ↑
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[106] → Show taxon data
Quedius unicolor H. Kiesenwetter, 1847Set as tree root ↑
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Quedius vexans E. Eppelsheim, 1881Set as tree root ↑
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[110] → Show taxon data
Quedius xanthopus W.F. Erichson, 1839Set as tree root ↑
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[319] → Show taxon data
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Coiffait, 1967
name status: synonym
BioMap ID: 1011914
taxonomy checked: YES
- Recent records (50)

Staphylinidae: Quedius dilatatus, PL, Wyżyna Małopolska, Nizina Południowomazowiecka, Równina Radomska, mazowieckie, Białobrzegi, 2020, leg. M. Wełnicki

Staphylinidae: Quedius scitus, PL, Pojezierze Pomorskie, Pojezierze Południowopomorskie, Równina Charzykowska, P.N. Borów Tucholskich, pomorskie, Chojnice, Chojnice w., ad Bachorze, UTM XV66, 1998 (Gutowski et al. 2005a)

Staphylinidae: Quedius scitus, PL, Pojezierze Pomorskie, Pojezierze Południowopomorskie, Bory Tucholskie, nadl. Osie, Wdecki P.K., kujawsko-pomorskie, Świecie, Osie, ad Osie, UTM CE24, 1998 (Gutowski et al. 2005a)

Staphylinidae: Quedius mesomelinus skoraszewskyi, PL, Pojezierze Pomorskie, Pojezierze Południowopomorskie, Równina Charzykowska, P.N. Borów Tucholskich, pomorskie, Chojnice, Chojnice w., ad Bachorze, UTM XV66, 1998 (Gutowski et al. 2005a)

Staphylinidae: Quedius mesomelinus skoraszewskyi, PL, Pojezierze Pomorskie, Pojezierze Południowopomorskie, Bory Tucholskie, nadl. Osie, Wdecki P.K., kujawsko-pomorskie, Świecie, Osie, ad Osie, UTM CE24, 1998 (Gutowski et al. 2005a)

Staphylinidae: Quedius mesomelinus skoraszewskyi, PL, Pojezierze Pomorskie, Pojezierze Południowopomorskie, Bory Tucholskie, Zaborski P.K., pomorskie, Chojnice, Brusy, ad Laska, UTM XV67, 1998 (Gutowski et al. 2005a)

Staphylinidae: Quedius xanthopus, PL, Góry Świętokrzyskie, Świętokrzyski P.N., świętokrzyskie, ad Trzcianka, UTM EB03, 2010, leg. A. Lasoń

Staphylinidae: Quedius maurus, PL, Góry Orlickie, Sudety Zachodnie, dolnośląskie, kłodzki, ad Duszniki Zdrój, UTM WR98, 2012, leg. A. Lasoń

Staphylinidae: Quedius cinctus, PL, Beskid Zachodni, Skawica-Żurkowo, 1998, leg. S. Szafraniec

Staphylinidae: Quedius scintillans, PL, Nizina Wielkopolsko-Kujawska, Orle, UTM CD41, 1990, leg. J. Siekierski

Staphylinidae: Quedius dilatatus, PL, Wyżyna Lubelska, 1993, leg. J. Siekierski

Staphylinidae: Quedius plagiatus, RO, Maramureş, ad Palenec, 2000, leg. A. Lasoń

Staphylinidae: Quedius plagiatus, SK, Tatry Zachodnie, Zverovka, 1995, leg. A. Lasoń

Staphylinidae: Quedius plagiatus, SK, Tatry Zachodnie, Zverovka, 1995, leg. A. Lasoń

Staphylinidae: Quedius obscuripennis, SK, Tatry Vysoke, Podkrivanska Polana, 1995, leg. A. Lasoń

Staphylinidae: Quedius paradisianus, SK, Tatry Zachodnie, Ziarska Dolina, 1995, leg. A. Lasoń

Staphylinidae: Quedius fuliginosus, PL, Podlasie, Puszcza Knyszyńska, ad Krasne, UTM FD59, 1994, leg. L. Sawicki

Staphylinidae: Quedius reitteri, coll. MiIZ PAN: Tenenbaum Sz.

Staphylinidae: Quedius reitteri, Obiżowa, 1936, coll. MiIZ PAN: Tenenbaum Sz.

Staphylinidae: Quedius reitteri, Skolimów, 1935, coll. MiIZ PAN: Tenenbaum Sz.

Staphylinidae: Quedius reitteri, Wołczków, 1935, coll. MiIZ PAN: Tenenbaum Sz.

Staphylinidae: Quedius reitteri, Pyry, 1934, coll. MiIZ PAN: Tenenbaum Sz.

Staphylinidae: Quedius reitteri, Otrębusy, 1934, coll. MiIZ PAN: Tenenbaum Sz.

Staphylinidae: Quedius reitteri, coll. MiIZ PAN: Tenenbaum Sz.

Staphylinidae: Quedius reitteri, Podkowa Leśna, 1930, coll. MiIZ PAN: Tenenbaum Sz.

Staphylinidae: Quedius reitteri, Pieniny: Przełęcz Kopka, 1928, coll. MiIZ PAN: Tenenbaum Sz.

Staphylinidae: Quedius reitteri, Czarna Struga, 1928, coll. MiIZ PAN: Tenenbaum Sz.

Staphylinidae: Quedius reitteri, Łomianki, 1928, coll. MiIZ PAN: Tenenbaum Sz.

Staphylinidae: Quedius reitteri, coll. MiIZ PAN: Tenenbaum Sz.

Staphylinidae: Quedius reitteri, Czarna Struga, 1927, coll. MiIZ PAN: Tenenbaum Sz.

Staphylinidae: Quedius boops boops, Dźwinogród, 1938, coll. MiIZ PAN: Tenenbaum Sz.

Staphylinidae: Quedius boops boops, Dźwinogród, 1938, coll. MiIZ PAN: Tenenbaum Sz.

Staphylinidae: Quedius boops boops, Żeżawa, 1937, coll. MiIZ PAN: Tenenbaum Sz.

Staphylinidae: Quedius boops boops, coll. MiIZ PAN: Tenenbaum Sz.

Staphylinidae: Quedius boops boops, Dźwinogród, 1937, coll. MiIZ PAN: Tenenbaum Sz.

Staphylinidae: Quedius boops boops, Dźwinogród, 1937, coll. MiIZ PAN: Tenenbaum Sz.

Staphylinidae: Quedius boops boops, Dźwinogród, 1937, coll. MiIZ PAN: Tenenbaum Sz.

Staphylinidae: Quedius boops boops, coll. MiIZ PAN: Tenenbaum Sz.

Staphylinidae: Quedius boops boops, coll. MiIZ PAN: Tenenbaum Sz.

Staphylinidae: Quedius boops boops, coll. MiIZ PAN: Tenenbaum Sz.

Staphylinidae: Quedius boops boops, coll. MiIZ PAN: Tenenbaum Sz.

Staphylinidae: Quedius boops boops, coll. MiIZ PAN: Tenenbaum Sz.

Staphylinidae: Quedius fulvicollis a. nigricollis, Stolarzówka, 1928, coll. MiIZ PAN: Tenenbaum Sz.

Staphylinidae: Quedius fulvicollis a. nigricollis, coll. MiIZ PAN: Tenenbaum Sz.

Staphylinidae: Quedius attenuatus, Wilanów, 1937, coll. MiIZ PAN: Tenenbaum Sz.

Staphylinidae: Quedius nitipennis, Krościenko, UTM DV57, 1929, coll. MiIZ PAN: Tenenbaum Sz.

Staphylinidae: Quedius nitipennis, coll. MiIZ PAN: Tenenbaum Sz.

Staphylinidae: Quedius nitipennis, Tatry: Kalatówki, 1928, coll. MiIZ PAN: Tenenbaum Sz.

Staphylinidae: Quedius nitipennis, Tatry: Hala Pyszna, 1927, coll. MiIZ PAN: Tenenbaum Sz.

Staphylinidae: Quedius nitipennis, coll. MiIZ PAN: Tenenbaum Sz.