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Biodiversity Map
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Containing taxa:

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Taxon count: 16
  1. Arthropodaphylum
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    and filters
  2. Hexapodasubphylum
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    and filters
  3. Insectaclass
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  4. Coleopteraorder
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    as the main taxon
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    ← of the left panel
  5. Adephagasuborder
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    as the main taxon
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  6. Carabidaefamily
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    and as a base
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  7. Harpalinaesubfamily
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  8. Sphodrinitribe
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  9. Calathinasubtribe
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    as the main taxon
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  10. Calathusgenus
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  11. Neocalathussubgenus
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    as the main taxon
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  12. Calathus erratusspecies
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Set as a base
of the left panel
subspecies: Calathus (Neocalathus) erratus erratus (C.R. Sahlberg, 1827)
name status: valid name
BioMap ID: 1003901    taxon code: 316
taxonomy checked: YES
source of names: Löbl et Smetana 2003 wykaz: O. Aleksandrowicz
Data on distribution in Poland
Calathus erratus erratus - Data on distribution in Poland - Biodiversity Map: UTM 10×10 — minimap
  • Records: 686
  • Publications: 167
  • Collections: 12
  • Publication authors: 125
  • Illustrations (iconography): 1
  • Photos (specimen/observation): lacking

Taxon description
Gatunek szeroko rozmieszczony w całej Europie, na północy sięga daleko poza koło podbiegunowe, notowany również z Kaukazu, Azji Mniejszej i Syberii aż do jej części wschodniej. Gatunek eurytopowy na suchych, najczęściej piaszczystych albo z domieszką żwiru glebach, zasiedlający zarówno obszary otwarte jak i lasy iglaste, nie unika też gleb gliniastych i torfowych, spotykany nawet na lotnych piaskach wydmowych.

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