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Taxon count: 76
Agonum antennarium (C. Duftschmid, 1812)Set as tree root ↑
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Agonum subaeneum P.F.M.A. Dejean, 1828Set as tree root ↑
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Carabus antennarius C. Duftschmid, 1812Set as tree root ↑
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Agonum fuliginosum (Panzer, 1809)Set as tree root ↑
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Agonum castaneipenne V.I. Motschulsky, 1844Set as tree root ↑
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Agonum convexum F. Gebler, 1829Set as tree root ↑
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Agonum minutum V.I. Motschulsky, 1844Set as tree root ↑
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Agonum pullum J.F. Stephens, 1828Set as tree root ↑
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Agonum pusillum J.F. Stephens, 1828Set as tree root ↑
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Agonum simpsoni J.F. Stephens, 1828Set as tree root ↑
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Agonum striatum J.F. Stephens, 1828Set as tree root ↑
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Anchomenus fuliginosus (Panzer, 1809)Set as tree root ↑
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Anchomenus fuliginosus var. castaneus Letzner, 1851Set as tree root ↑
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Anchomenus fuliginosus var. fulvus Letzner, 1851Set as tree root ↑
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Anchomenus fuliginosus var. genuinus Letzner, 1851Set as tree root ↑
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Anchomenus fuliginosus var. irregularis Letzner, 1851Set as tree root ↑
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Anchomenus fuliginosus var. niger Letzner, 1851Set as tree root ↑
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Anchomenus fuliginosus var. nigrofemoratus Letzner, 1851Set as tree root ↑
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Anchomenus fuliginosus var. planatus Letzner, 1851Set as tree root ↑
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Anchomenus fuliginosus var. punctatostriatus Letzner, 1851Set as tree root ↑
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Anchomenus fuliginosus var. rubidus Letzner, 1851Set as tree root ↑
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Anchomenus fuliginosus var. rufipes Letzner, 1851Set as tree root ↑
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Carabus fuliginosus Panzer, 1809Set as tree root ↑
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Harpalus putridus Zetterstedt, 1828Set as tree root ↑
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Agonum gracile J. Sturm, 1824Set as tree root ↑
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Agonum atratum J.F. Stephens, 1828Set as tree root ↑
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Agonum oblongum P.F.M.A. Dejean, 1831Set as tree root ↑
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Europhilus latvicus Barševskis, 1993Set as tree root ↑
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Platynus patruele M. Gemminger et E. Harold, 1868Set as tree root ↑
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Agonum micans (Nicolai, 1822)Set as tree root ↑
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Agonum cursitor J.F. Stephens, 1828Set as tree root ↑
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Agonum inauratum C.G. Mannerheim, 1825Set as tree root ↑
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Anchomenus micans Set as tree root ↑
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Anchomenus micans var. brunneus Letzner, 1851Set as tree root ↑
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Anchomenus micans var. femoratus Letzner, 1851Set as tree root ↑
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Anchomenus micans var. genuinus Letzner, 1851Set as tree root ↑
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Anchomenus micans var. irregularis Letzner, 1851Set as tree root ↑
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Anchomenus micans var. nigricornis Letzner, 1851Set as tree root ↑
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Anchomenus micans var. rufopiceus Letzner, 1851Set as tree root ↑
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Agonum piceum (Linnaeus, 1758)Set as tree root ↑
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Agonum canellipes V.I. Motschulsky, 1844Set as tree root ↑
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Agonum fuscipenne Nicolai, 1822Set as tree root ↑
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Anchomenus picipes (Fabricius, 1787)Set as tree root ↑
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Anchomenus picipes var. convexiusculus Letzner, 1851Set as tree root ↑
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Anchomenus picipes var. emarginatus Letzner, 1852Set as tree root ↑
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Anchomenus picipes var. fuscus Letzner, 1851Set as tree root ↑
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Anchomenus picipes var. genuinus Letzner, 1851Set as tree root ↑
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Anchomenus picipes var. irregularis Letzner, 1851Set as tree root ↑
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Anchomenus picipes var. nitens Letzner, 1851Set as tree root ↑
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Anchomenus picipes var. virescens Letzner, 1851Set as tree root ↑
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Carabus lutescens Panzer, 1796Set as tree root ↑
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Carabus pelidnus J.F.W. Herbst, 1784Set as tree root ↑
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Carabus piceus Linnaeus, 1758Set as tree root ↑
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Carabus picipes Fabricius, 1787Set as tree root ↑
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Agonum scitulum P.F.M.A. Dejean, 1828Set as tree root ↑
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Agonum thoreyi thoreyi P.F.M.A. Dejean, 1828Set as tree root ↑
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Agonum affine J.F. Stephens, 1828Set as tree root ↑
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Agonum chivense Lutshnik, 1934Set as tree root ↑
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Agonum lehmanni M. Chaudoir, 1837Set as tree root ↑
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Agonum longicolle J.Th. Lacordaire, 1835Set as tree root ↑
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Agonum longulum V.I. Motschulsky, 1844Set as tree root ↑
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Agonum pelidnum (G. Paykull, 1798)Set as tree root ↑
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Agonum puellum P.F.M.A. Dejean, 1828Set as tree root ↑
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Agonum stavropolitanum Lutshnik, 1934Set as tree root ↑
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Anchomenus melanocephalus P.F.M.A. Dejean, 1828Set as tree root ↑
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Anchomenus pelidnus (G. Paykull, 1798)Set as tree root ↑
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Anchomenus pelidnus var. brunicollis Letzner, 1851Set as tree root ↑
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Anchomenus pelidnus var. brunneus Letzner, 1851Set as tree root ↑
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Anchomenus pelidnus var. brunnipes Letzner, 1851Set as tree root ↑
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Anchomenus pelidnus var. emarginatus Letzner, 1851Set as tree root ↑
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Anchomenus pelidnus var. genuinus Letzner, 1851Set as tree root ↑
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Anchomenus pelidnus var. irregularis Letzner, 1851Set as tree root ↑
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Anchomenus pelidnus var. nigrescens Letzner, 1851Set as tree root ↑
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Anchomenus pelidnus var. punctato-striatus Letzner, 1851Set as tree root ↑
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Anchomenus pelidnus var. rufescens Letzner, 1851Set as tree root ↑
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Carabus pelidnus G. Paykull, 1798Set as tree root ↑
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Agonum thoreyispecies
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Agonum stavropolitanum
Lutshnik, 1934
name status: synonym
BioMap ID: 1003408
taxonomy checked: YES
- Recent records (50)

Carabidae: Agonum thoreyi thoreyi, PL, Nizina Wielkopolsko-Kujawska, lubuskie, Słubice, Słubice, UTM VU60, 2017, leg. M. Adamski

Carabidae: Agonum thoreyi thoreyi, Dźwinogród, 1937, coll. MiIZ PAN: Tenenbaum Sz.

Carabidae: Agonum thoreyi thoreyi, Dźwinogród, 1937, coll. MiIZ PAN: Tenenbaum Sz.

Carabidae: Agonum thoreyi thoreyi, Dźwinogród, 1938, coll. MiIZ PAN: Tenenbaum Sz.

Carabidae: Agonum thoreyi thoreyi, Dźwinogród, 1938, coll. MiIZ PAN: Tenenbaum Sz.

Carabidae: Agonum thoreyi thoreyi, Dźwinogród, 1938, coll. MiIZ PAN: Tenenbaum Sz.

Carabidae: Agonum thoreyi thoreyi, Dźwinogród, 1938, coll. MiIZ PAN: Tenenbaum Sz.

Carabidae: Agonum thoreyi thoreyi, Dźwinogród, 1938, coll. MiIZ PAN: Tenenbaum Sz.

Carabidae: Agonum thoreyi thoreyi, Dźwinogród, 1938, coll. MiIZ PAN: Tenenbaum Sz.

Carabidae: Agonum thoreyi thoreyi, Dźwinogród, 1938, coll. MiIZ PAN: Tenenbaum Sz.

Carabidae: Agonum thoreyi thoreyi, Dźwinogród, 1938, coll. MiIZ PAN: Tenenbaum Sz.

Carabidae: Agonum thoreyi thoreyi, Dźwiniaczka, 1938, coll. MiIZ PAN: Tenenbaum Sz.

Carabidae: Agonum thoreyi thoreyi, Dźwiniaczka, 1938, coll. MiIZ PAN: Tenenbaum Sz.

Carabidae: Agonum thoreyi thoreyi, Dźwiniaczka, 1938, coll. MiIZ PAN: Tenenbaum Sz.

Carabidae: Agonum thoreyi thoreyi, Dźwiniaczka, 1938, coll. MiIZ PAN: Tenenbaum Sz.

Carabidae: Agonum thoreyi thoreyi, Mielnica, 1938, coll. MiIZ PAN: Tenenbaum Sz.

Carabidae: Agonum thoreyi thoreyi, Mielnica, 1938, coll. MiIZ PAN: Tenenbaum Sz.

Carabidae: Agonum thoreyi thoreyi, Mielnica, 1938, coll. MiIZ PAN: Tenenbaum Sz.

Carabidae: Agonum thoreyi thoreyi, Mielnica, 1937, coll. MiIZ PAN: Tenenbaum Sz.

Carabidae: Agonum thoreyi thoreyi, Mielnica, 1937, coll. MiIZ PAN: Tenenbaum Sz.

Carabidae: Agonum thoreyi thoreyi, Mielnica, 1937, coll. MiIZ PAN: Tenenbaum Sz.

Carabidae: Agonum thoreyi thoreyi, Dźwiniaczka, 1938, coll. MiIZ PAN: Tenenbaum Sz.

Carabidae: Agonum thoreyi thoreyi, Dźwiniaczka, 1938, coll. MiIZ PAN: Tenenbaum Sz.

Carabidae: Agonum thoreyi thoreyi, Dźwiniaczka, 1938, coll. MiIZ PAN: Tenenbaum Sz.

Carabidae: Agonum thoreyi thoreyi, Dźwiniaczka, 1938, coll. MiIZ PAN: Tenenbaum Sz.

Carabidae: Agonum thoreyi thoreyi, Mielnica, coll. MiIZ PAN: Tenenbaum Sz.

Carabidae: Agonum thoreyi thoreyi, Niemcy, coll. MiIZ PAN: Tenenbaum Sz.

Carabidae: Agonum thoreyi thoreyi, Niemcy, coll. MiIZ PAN: Tenenbaum Sz.

Carabidae: Agonum thoreyi thoreyi, Zaleszczyki, 1933, coll. MiIZ PAN: Tenenbaum Sz.

Carabidae: Agonum thoreyi thoreyi, Szuparka, 1933, coll. MiIZ PAN: Tenenbaum Sz.

Carabidae: Agonum thoreyi thoreyi, Dźwinogród, coll. MiIZ PAN: Tenenbaum Sz.

Carabidae: Agonum thoreyi thoreyi, Dźwinogród, 1938, coll. MiIZ PAN: Tenenbaum Sz.

Carabidae: Agonum thoreyi thoreyi, PL (Rizun et Riedl 2001(2000))

Carabidae: Agonum thoreyi thoreyi, PL (Sienkiewicz 1999)

Carabidae: Agonum thoreyi thoreyi, PL, Pojezierze Pomorskie, ad Słupsk, UTM XA33, 2010, leg. A. Kociołek

Carabidae: Agonum thoreyi thoreyi, PL, Pojezierze Pomorskie, ad Słupsk, UTM XA33, 2010, leg. A. Kociołek

Carabidae: Agonum thoreyi thoreyi, BY, ad Homel, 2007, leg. M. Halinouski

Carabidae: Agonum thoreyi thoreyi, PL, Pojezierze Mazurskie, Jonkowo ad Olsztyn, UTM DE56, 2002, leg. B. Browarski

Carabidae: Agonum thoreyi thoreyi, PL, Pojezierze Mazurskie, Jonkowo ad Olsztyn, UTM DE56, 2002, leg. B. Browarski

Carabidae: Agonum thoreyi thoreyi, BY, Puszcza Białowieska, ad Kamianiuki, 1992, leg. O. Aleksandrowicz

Carabidae: Agonum thoreyi thoreyi, BY, Puszcza Białowieska, ad Kamianiuki, 1992, leg. O. Aleksandrowicz

Carabidae: Agonum thoreyi thoreyi, PL, Nizina Wielkopolsko-Kujawska, dol. Warty, rez. Krajkowo nature reserve, UTM XT38, 1999 (Sienkiewicz 2003a)

Carabidae: Agonum thoreyi thoreyi, PL, Nizina Wielkopolsko-Kujawska, Puszcza Notecka, ad Obrzyck, UTM XU04, 2000 (Przewoźny 2004a)

Carabidae: Agonum thoreyi thoreyi, PL, Podlasie, Sobiborski P.K., Żłobek, UTM FC70, 1995, leg. M. Bunalski (Sienkiewicz 1999)

Carabidae: Agonum thoreyi thoreyi, PL, Podlasie, Sobiborski P.K., Osowa, UTM FC70, 1995, leg. M. Bunalski (Sienkiewicz 1999)

Carabidae: Agonum thoreyi thoreyi, PL, Pobrzeże Bałtyku, Gdańsk, Sobieszewo, UTM CF42, 1999 (Rizun et Riedl 2001(2000))

Carabidae: Agonum thoreyi thoreyi, PL, Nizina Wielkopolsko-Kujawska, Bydgoszcz, UTM XU99 (Żelazna et Błażejewicz-Zawadzińska 2003)

Carabidae: Agonum thoreyi thoreyi, PL, Nizina Wielkopolsko-Kujawska, Bydgoszcz, UTM CD09 (Żelazna et Błażejewicz-Zawadzińska 2003)

Carabidae: Agonum thoreyi thoreyi, PL, Pojezierze Pomorskie, Bory Tucholskie, Wierzchlas nature reserve, UTM FE61, 1982 (Stachowiak et Wilcz 2001)

Carabidae: Agonum thoreyi thoreyi, PL, Nizina Wielkopolsko-Kujawska, dol. Warty, rez. Krajkowo nature reserve, UTM XT38 (Sienkiewicz 2003a)