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Taxon count: 55
Carabus auratus auratus Linnaeus, 1761Set as tree root ↑
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Carabus auratoides E. Reitter, 1896Set as tree root ↑
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Carabus auratus var. coeruleo-micans Letzner, 1850Set as tree root ↑
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Carabus auratus var. contortus Letzner, 1850Set as tree root ↑
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Carabus auratus var. picipes Letzner, 1850Set as tree root ↑
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Carabus auratus var. rotundatus Born, 1895Set as tree root ↑
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Carabus brullei J.B. Géhin, 1885Set as tree root ↑
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Carabus catalaunicus J.B. Géhin, 1885Set as tree root ↑
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Carabus concyri Machard, 1973Set as tree root ↑
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Carabus confluentinus Bocklet, 1904Set as tree root ↑
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Carabus dufouranus Csiki, 1927Set as tree root ↑
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Carabus isignyensis Machard, 1977Set as tree root ↑
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Carabus labittei Clément, 1904Set as tree root ↑
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Carabus laniarius J. Gistel, 1857Set as tree root ↑
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Carabus laticollaris Bocklet, 1904Set as tree root ↑
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Carabus lotharingus P.F.M.A. Dejean, 1826Set as tree root ↑
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Carabus navarricus Lapouge, 1925Set as tree root ↑
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Carabus obscuricornis Beuthin, 1885Set as tree root ↑
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Carabus perauratus E. Reitter, 1896Set as tree root ↑
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Carabus quadricostatus Bocklet, 1904Set as tree root ↑
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Carabus rotundatus Born, 1895Set as tree root ↑
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Carabus sulcatissimus Lapouge, 1898Set as tree root ↑
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Carabus sulcatus Ch. De Geer, 1774Set as tree root ↑
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Carabus cancellatus cancellatus J.K.W. Illiger, 1798Set as tree root ↑
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Carabus assimilis C. Duftschmid, 1812Set as tree root ↑
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Carabus cancellatus avunculus H. Kolbe, 1912Set as tree root ↑
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Carabus cancellatus electus H. Kolbe, 1913Set as tree root ↑
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Carabus cancellatus enitens H. Kolbe, 1913Set as tree root ↑
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Carabus cancellatus gracilis H. Kolbe, 1913Set as tree root ↑
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Carabus cancellatus inceptus H. Kolbe, 1913Set as tree root ↑
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Carabus cancellatus rauterbergi H. Kolbe, 1912Set as tree root ↑
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Carabus cancellatus sarmaticus Bernau, 1913Set as tree root ↑
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Carabus cancellatus strictus H. Kolbe, 1913Set as tree root ↑
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Carabus cancellatus var. dolosus Csiki, 1927Set as tree root ↑
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Carabus cancellatus var. marginatus Letzner, 1849Set as tree root ↑
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Carabus cancellatus var. nigricornis P.F.M.A. Dejean, 1826Set as tree root ↑
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Carabus cancellatus var. sajanensis E. Reitter, 1896Set as tree root ↑
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Carabus cancellatus var. tibiscinus Csiki, 1906Set as tree root ↑
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Carabus cancellatus var. verrucosus O. Heer, 1837Set as tree root ↑
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Carabus carinatus T. Charpentier, 1825Set as tree root ↑
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Carabus dolosus Csiki, 1927Set as tree root ↑
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Carabus fusus Palliardi, 1825Set as tree root ↑
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Carabus graniger Ralliardi, 1825Set as tree root ↑
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Carabus graniger var. conspersus Lapouge, 1902Set as tree root ↑
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Carabus ingulensis Eidam, 1941Set as tree root ↑
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Carabus kniephofi Langenhan, 1913Set as tree root ↑
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Carabus kuennemanni Langenhan, 1913Set as tree root ↑
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Carabus kuntzeni Eidam, 1930Set as tree root ↑
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Carabus obscuriusculus Eidam, 1930Set as tree root ↑
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Carabus sajanensis E. Reitter, 1896Set as tree root ↑
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Carabus sarmaticus Bernau, 1913Set as tree root ↑
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Carabus setteli Langenhan, 1913Set as tree root ↑
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Carabus tuberculatus P.F.M.A. Dejean, 1826Set as tree root ↑
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Carabus tuberculatus var. kniephofi Langenhan, 1913Set as tree root ↑
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Carabus wankae Sokolář, 1911Set as tree root ↑
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Carabus cancellatusspecies
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Carabus kuennemanni
Langenhan, 1913
name status: synonym
BioMap ID: 1001657
taxonomy checked: YES
- Recent records (50)

Carabidae: Carabus cancellatus cancellatus, PL, Pojezierze Pomorskie, Pojezierze Południowopomorskie, Bory Tucholskie, nadl. Osie, Wdecki P.K., kujawsko-pomorskie, Świecie, Osie, ad Osie, UTM CE24, 1998 (Gutowski et al. 2005a)

Carabidae: Carabus cancellatus cancellatus, PL, Dolny Śląsk, Nizina Śląska, Równina Oleśnicka, dolnośląskie, Wrocław m., Wrocław, Wrocław-Psie Pole, UTM XS46, 1998, leg. Jerzy Błaszczyk

Carabidae: Carabus cancellatus cancellatus, PL, Sudety Zachodnie, Pogórze Zachodniosudeckie, Pogórze Izerskie, dolnośląskie, Lubań, Świeradów-Zdrój, Świeradów-Zdrój, UTM WS14, 2008, leg. Jerzy Błaszczyk

Carabidae: Carabus cancellatus cancellatus, PL, Góry Świętokrzyskie, Uroczysko Chełmowa Góra, UTM EB03, 1984 (Huruk 1993)

Carabidae: Carabus cancellatus cancellatus, PL, Góry Świętokrzyskie, Uroczysko Serwis-Dąbrowa, UTM EB03, 1984 (Huruk 1993)

Carabidae: Carabus cancellatus cancellatus, PL, Góry Świętokrzyskie, Uroczysko Serwis-Dąbrowa, UTM EB03, 1984 (Huruk 1993)

Carabidae: Carabus cancellatus cancellatus, PL, Góry Świętokrzyskie, Uroczysko Serwis-Dąbrowa, UTM EB03, 1984 (Huruk 1993)

Carabidae: Carabus cancellatus cancellatus, PL, Góry Świętokrzyskie, Uroczysko Chełmowa Góra, UTM EB03, 1984 (Huruk 1993)

Carabidae: Carabus cancellatus cancellatus, PL, Góry Świętokrzyskie, Uroczysko Serwis-Dąbrowa, UTM EB03, 1984 (Huruk 1993)

Carabidae: Carabus cancellatus cancellatus, PL, Góry Świętokrzyskie, Uroczysko Chełmowa Góra, UTM EB03, 1984 (Huruk 1993)

Carabidae: Carabus cancellatus cancellatus, PL, Góry Świętokrzyskie, Uroczysko Chełmowa Góra, UTM EB03, 1984 (Huruk 1993)

Carabidae: Carabus cancellatus cancellatus, PL, Pojezierze Mazurskie, Spychowo Forest Inspectorate, 2007 (Skłodowski 2017)

Carabidae: Carabus cancellatus cancellatus, PL, Pojezierze Pomorskie, Szczecin, UTM VV62 (Wolender et Zych 2009)

Carabidae: Carabus cancellatus cancellatus, PL, Pojezierze Pomorskie, Koszalin, UTM WA80 (Kleine 1940c)

Carabidae: Carabus cancellatus cancellatus, PL, Pojezierze Mazurskie, UTM DE56 (Aleksandrowicz et al. 2017)

Carabidae: Carabus cancellatus cancellatus, PL, Pojezierze Mazurskie, UTM DE56 (Aleksandrowicz et al. 2017)

Carabidae: Carabus cancellatus cancellatus, PL, Pojezierze Mazurskie, UTM DE56 (Aleksandrowicz et al. 2017)

Carabidae: Carabus cancellatus cancellatus, PL, Pojezierze Mazurskie, UTM DE56 (Aleksandrowicz et al. 2017)

Carabidae: Carabus cancellatus cancellatus, PL, Beskid Zachodni, Skawina, UTM DA13 (Skalski et al. 2016)

Carabidae: Carabus cancellatus cancellatus, PL, Beskid Zachodni, Skawina, UTM DA13 (Skalski et al. 2016)

Carabidae: Carabus cancellatus cancellatus, PL, Nizina Wielkopolsko-Kujawska, Winna Góra, UTM XT68, 2014 (Kosewska et al. 2016)

Carabidae: Carabus cancellatus cancellatus, PL, Nizina Wielkopolsko-Kujawska, UTM CD09, 2000 (Żelazna et Błażejewicz-Zawadzińska 2006)

Carabidae: Carabus cancellatus cancellatus, PL, Nizina Wielkopolsko-Kujawska, gmina Kikól, UTM CD65, 2000 (Żelazna et Błażejewicz-Zawadzińska 2006)

Carabidae: Carabus cancellatus cancellatus, PL, Pojezierze Pomorskie, UTM XV77, 2000 (Żelazna et Błażejewicz-Zawadzińska 2006)

Carabidae: Carabus cancellatus cancellatus, PL, Góry Świętokrzyskie, Świętokrzyski P.N., UTM DB63 (Leśniak 1990)

Carabidae: Carabus cancellatus cancellatus, PL, Wyżyna Małopolska, Świętokrzyski P.N., Góra Malik, UTM DB63 (Leśniak 1994)

Carabidae: Carabus cancellatus cancellatus, PL, Góry Świętokrzyskie, Święty Krzyż, UTM EB03 (Leśniak 1994)

Carabidae: Carabus cancellatus cancellatus, PL, Wyżyna Małopolska, Nadleśnictwo Łagów, leśn. Cisów, UTM DB92, 2006 (Byk 2007)

Carabidae: Carabus cancellatus cancellatus, PL, Nizina Wielkopolsko-Kujawska, ad Bydgoszcz, UTM CD09 (Żelazna et Błażejewicz-Zawadzińska 2011)

Carabidae: Carabus cancellatus cancellatus, PL, Nizina Wielkopolsko-Kujawska, UTM CD09, 2004 (Żelazna et Błażejewicz-Zawadzińska 2005)

Carabidae: Carabus cancellatus cancellatus, PL, Pojezierze Pomorskie, Sulnówko ad Świecie, UTM CE22, 2004 (Żelazna et Błażejewicz-Zawadzińska 2005)

Carabidae: Carabus cancellatus cancellatus, PL, Beskid Wschodni, Powiat Rzeszowski, Gmina Tyczyn, Borek Stary, UTM EA73, 2010 (Konieczna et al. 2012)

Carabidae: Carabus cancellatus cancellatus, PL, Beskid Wschodni, Powiat Rzeszowski, Gmina Tyczyn, Borek Stary, UTM EA73, 2010 (Konieczna et al. 2012)

Carabidae: Carabus cancellatus cancellatus, PL, Pojezierze Mazurskie, Puszcza Borecka, Nadleśnictwo Borki, leśnictwo Diabła Góra, Obręb ewid. Przerwanki, UTM EE69, 2004 (Huruk 2009)

Carabidae: Carabus cancellatus cancellatus, PL, Pojezierze Mazurskie, Puszcza Borecka, Nadleśnictwo Borki, leśnictwo Diabła Góra, Obręb ewid. Przerwanki, UTM EE69, 2004 (Huruk 2009)

Carabidae: Carabus cancellatus cancellatus, PL, Góry Świętokrzyskie (Huruk et al. 2012)

Carabidae: Carabus cancellatus cancellatus, PL, Pobrzeże Bałtyku, Nadleśnictwo Elbląg, leśnictwo Przebrno, UTM CF92 (2013c)

Carabidae: Carabus cancellatus cancellatus, PL, Puszcza Białowieska, Park Narodowy Puszcza Białowieska oraz Nadleśnictwo Hajnówka, UTM FD84, 2000 (Skłodowski 2003b)

Carabidae: Carabus cancellatus cancellatus, PL, Puszcza Białowieska, Park Narodowy Puszcza Białowieska oraz Nadleśnictwo Hajnówka, UTM FD84, 2000 (Skłodowski 2003b)

Carabidae: Carabus cancellatus cancellatus, PL, Wyżyna Małopolska, rez. Rawka rezerwat , UTM DC46, 2008 (Stępień et Jaskuła 2010)

Carabidae: Carabus cancellatus cancellatus, PL, Nizina Mazowiecka, Kampinoski P.N., Grabowy, UTM DD90, 1984 (Grüm 2003)

Carabidae: Carabus cancellatus cancellatus, PL, Nizina Mazowiecka, Kampinoski P.N., Grabowy, UTM DD90, 1972 (Grüm 2003)

Carabidae: Carabus cancellatus cancellatus, PL, Nizina Mazowiecka, Mazowsze, UTM EC08 (Grüm 2003)

Carabidae: Carabus cancellatus cancellatus, PL, Nizina Mazowiecka, Kampinoski P.N., Grabowy, UTM DD90, 1958 (Grüm 2003)

Carabidae: Carabus cancellatus cancellatus, PL, Nizina Mazowiecka, Mazowsze, UTM EC08 (Grüm 2003)

Carabidae: Carabus cancellatus cancellatus, PL, Sudety Zachodnie, Łężyckie Skałki, UTM WR98 (Chudzicka et al. 2001)

Carabidae: Carabus cancellatus cancellatus, PL, Wyżyna Śląska, Wyżyna Krakowsko-Wieluńska, Częstochowa, Park podworski Dźbów, UTM CB62, 2008 (Klasiński 2013)

Carabidae: Carabus cancellatus cancellatus, PL, Pojezierze Pomorskie, ad Żukowo, Przyjaźń rezerwat , UTM CF32, 1999 (Ciechanowski et al. 2001b)

Carabidae: Carabus cancellatus cancellatus, PL, Pojezierze Pomorskie, Szczecin, ad jez. Głębokie (Zych et Wolender 2004)

Carabidae: Carabus cancellatus cancellatus, PL, Pojezierze Pomorskie, Szczecin, ad jez. Głębokie (Zych et Wolender 2004)