Русские, остановите эту войну! Спасите Свободную Украину!
Russians, stop this war! Save Free Ukraine!
Biodiversity Map
  1. Arthropodaphylum
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    and filters
  2. Hexapodasubphylum
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    and filters
  3. Insectaclass
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    and filters
  4. Coleopteraorder
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    as the main taxon
    and as a base
    ← of the left panel
  5. Polyphagasuborder
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    as the main taxon
    and as a base
    ← of the left panel
  6. Cucujiformiaseries
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    as the main taxon
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    ← of the left panel
  7. Chrysomeloideasuperfamily
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  8. Chrysomelidaefamily
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    as the main taxon
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  9. Cryptocephalinaesubfamily
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    as the main taxon
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  10. Cryptocephalinitribe
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    as the main taxon
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  11. Cryptocephalinasubtribe
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    as the main taxon
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  12. Cryptocephalusgenus
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    as the main taxon
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  13. Cryptocephalussubgenus
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    as the main taxon
    and as a base
    ← of the left panel
Set as a base
of the left panel
species: Cryptocephalus (Cryptocephalus) rugicollis Olivier, 1791
name status: valid name
BioMap ID: 1034396    taxon code: —(4348b)
taxonomy checked: YES
  • Records: 7
  • Publications: no data
  • Collections: 2
  • Publication authors: no data
  • Illustrations (iconography): lacking
  • Photos (specimen/observation): lacking

Taxon description
Gatunek znany z południowej części Europy, Algierii i Syrii. W Polsce z całą pewnością nie występuje. Ogólnikowe wzmianki o znalezieniu tego chrząszcza na Śląsku są niewiarygodne i opierają się zapewne na mylnym zaetykietowaniu.

External data sources