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Biodiversity Map
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  5. Sternorrhynchasuborder
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  6. Coccoideasuperfamily
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  7. Pseudococcidaefamily
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  8. Longicoccusgenus
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species: Longicoccus festucae Koteja, 1971
name status: valid name
BioMap ID: 1140254    taxon code: 5:24
taxonomy checked: YES
wykaz: K. Golan
Data on distribution in Poland
Longicoccus festucae - Data on distribution in Poland - Biodiversity Map: UTM 10×10 — minimap
  • Records: 3
  • Publications: 4
  • Collections: no data
  • Publication authors: 3
  • Illustrations (iconography): lacking
  • Photos (specimen/observation): lacking

Taxon description
Z innych krajów nie znany. Jedynym żywicielem jest kostrzewa blada (Festuca pallens Host.); Danzig (1976) omyłkowo podaje, że gatunki zaliczane do tego rodzaju żyją na korzeniach roślin stepowych.

External data sources