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Pentaphyllus melanophthalmus
Mulsant, 1854
name status: synonym
BioMap ID: 1021352
taxonomy checked: YES
- Related publications (4)
Burakowski B., Mroczkowski M., Stefańska J. 1987. Chrząszcze – Coleoptera. Cucujoidea, część 3. Katalog Fauny Polski, XXIII, 14, Warszawa.
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Rüschkamp F. 1929a. Zur rheinischen Käferfauna IV. Ent. Bl., 25:35-43.
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Gebien H. 1911. Tenebrionidae III. [In:] Schenkling S., Junk W. (Eds.) Coleopterorum Catalogus, 18 (28). Berlin. pp. 355-585.
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Seidlitz G. 1894. Tenebrionidae (pars II). Naturgeschichte der Insecten Deutschlands, 1 abt. Coleoptera, Bd. V, Hälfte 1, Lief. 3. Berlin.
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